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Rainbow Circle & the Circle of Brigid

Drawing of COB by Olivia
(Drawing © Olivia Robertson, May 17, 2004)

The rainbow circle of Brigid have the honour of giving forth the well water to those in need.
Each cup represents the holy grail of the new aeon. All members spread Brigid s rainbow rays
throughout the world for healing, sent forth with wisdom and love.

Olivia Robertson, June 20, 2013

Expansion of the Circle of Brigid: The Rainbow Circle

Cressida Pryor introduced the Foundation Center Rainbow Circle in her Lughnasadh 2018 letter:

"The five year transition period following Olivia s death is nearing its completion now and the Circle of Brigid is widening its doors to the local priesthood and becoming a gathering of support and inspiration rather than regulation and oversight. So this new group is replacing the Circle of Brigid and will be known as the Rainbow Circle (of Priesthood) and is something Olivia spoke about in the past. The Rainbow Circle will look after Foundation Centre Festivals and Temple care. It is proposed that the Rainbow Circle will hold regular gatherings to update information, to have discussions and to foster a sense of engagement and inclusion."1

Reactivation of the Circle of Brigid:

Cressida Pryor wrote in her 2020 Autumn Equinox letter: "the Circle of Brigid has reformed to support developing the Foundation Centre s festivals and to provide a collective and open channel of communication between myself, the wider family at Huntington, and the priesthood." 2

The Circle of Brigid

The Circle of Brigid is an advisory board created by Olivia Robertson in 2004 who work from the Foundation Center Temple in Ireland. The following was written by Cressida Pryor in her Samhain 2014 letter to explain their role:3

"Some may wonder what position the Circle of Brigid holds now within the FOI? A simple way to put it is it acts as the FOI s central parliament ; the people who parley face to face, discuss and reflect together to make executive decisions for the good of the organisation. This function was described by Olivia in 2011 when she envisioned a world centre to coordinate otherwise potentially disparate parts at the unifying address of the Foundation Centre at Clonegal. The FOI is worldwide with thousands of members and has a responsibility to operate through an executive board that is not cumbersome or moribund. The Circle of Brigid has eight members who celebrate the festivals together at Huntington, with Alexander s permission and blessing and through their regular contact and service are in the best position to further serve the FOI in this capacity. I act as advisor to the COB as does my cousin Pamela who will succeed me as steward in due course. The ethics subcommittee of the COB have recently formulated an excellent and clear Code of Ethics4 and related grievance procedures which will greatly enhance the FOI s functioning as a caring and open organisation."

Cressida also wrote this of the ongoing work of the Circle of Brigid, the advisory body of the central Temple:

"The original FOI, based at and around the Foundation Centre is still strong, alive and vibrant;
is holding festivals regularly and supporting priests and priestesses
in their valuable work and also training new members for the priesthood.
This core of the original FOI is here to serve the Goddess in all her aspects
for the greater good of humanity and this beautiful planet
as the founders originally envisaged." (1/15)

Rainbow Circle & Circle of Brigid Links

Seasonal Festival Invitations: Castle Events

Foundation Center Registration

Letters regarding the Rainbow Circle & the Circle of Brigid

Introduction of the Rainbow Circle

Vessel of the Seer: September 22, 2015

Statement Re FOI Recent Developments: October 31, 2014

Letter from Cressida Pryor: Samhain 2014

From the Circle of Brigid: FOI Code of Ethics

From the Circle of Brigid: FOI World Map

Update to the COB Membership: May 7, 2010

Letter from Olivia re: Sharing of Copyright: July 10, 2010

Organization of Festivals Reminder: April 13, 2010

The Global Circle of Brigid by Olivia: June 29, 2009

Original Announcement: May 17, 2004

Well of Truth
© M.Q.

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