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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

The Global Circle of Brigid, Clonegal Castle
June 29, 2009
By: Olivia Robertson

Since its formation in Ireland by the Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis, The Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, The Circle of Brigid, with its 8 founding members, has assisted in hosting the 8 seasonal Goddess Festivals held at Clonegal Castle.

The Circle of Brigid does not, of course, intervene in the affairs of other self-regulating Centres. Its Global function is to encourage and spread fellowship and inspiration in every way, especially through the Arts.

From the start in Ireland, it has encouraged local and visiting members of the Fellowship from the UK and beyond to share their talents and skills, offering music, healing and spiritual counselling at Festivals, but also giving exhibitions of paintings and sculpture, putting on story-telling and drum workshops and producing plays in local halls in cooperation with the local community.

The Circle of Brigid has now opened its Spiritual Membership to all who wish to join. The Spirit of Brigid fights for Justice with her Spear of Light. She offers the flame of Her hearth and home. Her warm hospitality and loving care for all are legendary. She fosters good relations with the local community, of whatever faith, not only in Ireland but in every country where there are Centres.

She Blesses all Wells and Springs, throughout the world. Her names are many. She is Goddess and Saint: Brigid, Bridget, Britannia, Brigantia. Many words are associated with Her. She is the Bright One, the Bridge, the Bride.

Our aim is to bring the Spirit of Brigid from Ireland to all our Centres with Her inspiration, encouraging its members to take up Her flame and pass it on to enrich the lives of others. Spiritual Members need no Certificate of Membership, but dedicate themselves to her Spirit and to Her Work as they feel inspired.

Come drink at her Well. . .
Seek healing’s true wealth,
Take courage her flame is still burning.
Seek justice and peace,
Come share in the feast
Her Spirit is now preparing.

(Minette Quick, Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid)

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