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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

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Aset t fem. det. shm s w "go, walk" det. plural sign
Aset Shemsu - The Retinue of Aset
Foundation Centre: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

Directory of Active FOI Centers

Welcome to the FOI Directory for active centers! At the request of Cressida Pryor (FOI Steward), members who have listed here have agreed to follow the Ethics Policies and guidelines of the FOI Foundation Center that are found on this website. Please know that inclusion on this page is not an endorsement from the Fellowship of Isis. Each center founder is legally responsible for their own transactions and each center has their own original curriculum and unique offerings.

Scroll down to select the region of your choice, or explore the online home-study centers listed in the last section. If you wish to list your center here, please see the listing instructions.

In-person Centers:

Australia   /   Brazil   /   Canada   /   Chile

England   /   Germany   /   Greece   /   Ireland

Italy   /   Mexico   /   Portugal   /   Scotland

Spain   /   United States   /   Wales

Home-Study Centers:

Online & by Correspondence


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Iseum of the Cosmic Dance: Melbourne
The IOTCD is a Celebration of Life, dedicated to the Goddesses Isis, Bast, and Hathor whereby the attributes of Healing, Creativity, and Charity are practiced. My online course The Pagan Experience , designed to introduce new seekers to the pagan path, is offered from time to time.
Contact: StormIsis
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/priestessstormisis/
Email: iotcd@jeheda.com

Lyceum of Heka: Melbourne
Dedicated to Isis, Aset, Sekhmet and Hekate. The purpose of this center is to be a contact for fellow seekers and students whilst striving for knowledge and its useful application for the betterment and benefit of mankind, the earth and its creatures and spirit.
Contact: Setjataset
Email: tarotwithtina@yahoo.com.au
Website: https://setjataset.wordpress.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lyceum-of-Heka-Fellowship-of-Isis-223016837711229/

The Magickal Lyceum of the Goddess Isis & Hekate: Sydney
This Lyceum is based on the central coast just north of Sydney, it is dedicated to Goddess Isis and Hekate providing a place of deep reverence and ritual.
Contact: Louise
Email: weeziemetal@hotmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Magickal-Lyceum-of-the-Goddess-Isis-and-Hekate-630114290378424/

Iseum Of Imbas Forosnai: Ontario
Hearth of Morgan-Le-Fey and Merlin - this Iseum is open to all that hear the call of the Goddess. Focus is on facilitating a deep journey to know thy self. Seekers are encouraged to journey through their light and shadow to know once again the ancient mysteries that lie within.
Contact: Priestess Kelley Shaw-Gaspar
Email: beyondthemyst@hotmail.com

Iseum Of Sacred Awakenings: Ontario
Sanctuary of Isis and Myrlin - The iseum welcomes those that have been guided to the path of the Goddess. The gates of luminosity are open to all who wish to learn the ancient mysteries and to seek their true light and purpose with.
Contact: Priestess Tina Cooke
Email: toi-ladyhawk@outlook.com

Iseum of Awakening of Magic, Lyceum Sistrum Feline
Grove & Priory of the Fairies Path and the Grail:
Bras lia /DF, Brazil
The Iseum offers Adepts training. The Lyceum offers Priesthood and Hierophant training, according to the Magi Degree System. The Grove and Priory offers DCD and NOT training. All the courses follow the FOI Liturgy and are offered in person or online and by correspondence.
Contact: Rev. D bora Barcelos, Prs. H., ArchDrs and D.C.
Email: debora.hierophant@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iseumdodespertardamagia

Iseum Templo de Isis: Santiago y Algarrobo
Our priesthood training is open for new candidates from 21st September 2018, Autumn Equinox. Please write to our email for details. Nuestro entrenamiento para el sacerdocio abre puertas el 21 septiembre 2018, equinoccio de otono.
Contact: Andrea Angelos
Email: templeisischile@gmail.com

Lyceum/Iseum Isis y Dionisio: Villa Alemana
Iseum/Lyceum of Greek-Egyptian tradition. Our tutelary divinities are Isis in her ten thousand names, and Dionisio. We dedicate ourselves and specialize in various magical systems. The concept of Ma'at is the heart and fundamental pillar of our temple.
Contact: Yenni Fabres
Email: iseum.isisydionisio@gmail.com


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Domus Sophiae Terrae et Sancta Gradalis: Based in Oxfordshire
(House of Earth Wisdom and the Holy Grail)
BCM Hallowquest, London WC1N 3XX, UK
Contact: Caitlín Matthews
Email: tigerna9@gmail.com

Grove of the Avalon Sidhe: Glastonbury
This is a grove of the Druid Clan of Dana, based in Glastonbury and open for training and regular ceremony and celebrations in the Glastonbury area and online.
Contact: Ard banDrui Danu Forest
Email: danu@danuforest.co.uk

Iseum of Cerridwen: Portsmouth
We celebrate the eight turning points through the year by holding open public ceremonies just to the North of Portsmouth. We also offer Druid teaching and perform baby naming, handfasting and other rites of passage.
Contact: Stormwatch
Email: stormwatch@gmail.com

Lyceum of Our Lady of the Stars: Glastonbury
This group is dedicated to my primary Goddess Nuit, and Her consort, Geb of the Green Earth. I am also a priestess of Elen of the Ways. I hold ceremonies in honour of these deities, which all are welcome to attend. Details on the Facebook page.
Contact: Annabelle
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/350230325389068/

Lyceum of Universal Learning: Havant, Hampshire
We facilitate a lifelong learning ethos alongside an outreach of a Healing World Network. Our outreach intends that fellow co-creatives develop a fresh and mindful way of thinking/feeling that exists in all natural order. We offer local and global celebrancy, workshops and online critical incident support.
Contact: Prs. H. Gaynor Linnecor
Email: worldhealing@ymail.com
Website: www.royalmaze.uk/


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Lyceum mit dem Ziegenfisch: Berlin
(Lyceum with the Goatfish)
This center is now private, but the founder always welcomes correspondence.
Contact: Gisela
Email: kagiskran@gmx.de

Iseum Temple of the Goddess: Koukaki, Athens
Regular gatherings for prayer, rites and celebrations. Tours of sacred sites in Athens. Accommodation for visiting priesthood, preferential fees in our Goddess Hearth. Please enquire by writing to our email.
Contact: Andrea Angelos
Email: templeisischile@gmail.com


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Lyceum of the Three Mothers: Wexford
Findneimid, Balcarrig Hill, Ballycanew, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland.
Contact: Cáit Branigan
Email: cbranigan9@gmail.com

Amethyst nel sacro fuoco di Brigit & Cernunnos: Bolzano
The Amethyst Iseum in the sacred fire of Brigit & Cernunnos will be responsible for celebrating seasonal rites, channeling messages from the gods even by finding them within the tarot cards and performing physical and spiritual healings and purifications
Contact: Azzurra
Email: azzurrasolstice@gmail.com

Aphrodite en Kepois Iseum: Stienta
The Aphrodite en Kepois Iseum is dedicated to the goddesses Afrodite, Fortuna and Isis. Our Iseum is a garden based in Stienta (Italy) open to receive new devotees who are looking for a way to initiate a contact with the divinity. Divinatory consultations, seasonal celebrations, rites of passage.
Contact: Irene
Email: ardathlili@gmail.com

Athena, la chiave della Vita Iseum: Varedo
L'Iseum di Athena, la chiave della Vita, ti accompagna a scoprire la tua Dea interiore attraverso rituali, il mondo elementale, la divinazione, tecniche di ascolto e riconnessione con la propria parte spirituale, tecniche di risveglio, energetiche e conoscenza di s . Le divinit onorate sono Iside, Nefertari e Maria Maddalena.
Contact: Claudia
Email: claudiagrossi0312@gmail.com

Domus Isidis Iseum & Lyceum: Milano
The Lyceum aims to spread the love for life and for the cult of the Goddess and beauty all its forms and the love for animals and nature.
Contact: Isia
Email: nadtre@live.it

Il Canto dell’Oscura Civetta Iseum: Teramo
The Iseum is dedicated to the Gods Athena, Apollo and Poseidon. This sacred space gives importance to the discovery of the divine through tarot cards, the study of myths, the celebration of Gods and Solstices, and the study of one's inner self through archetypes. Within each person is the divine.
Contact: Loxias
Email: oscuracivetta@gmail.com
Website: https://ilcantodelloscuracivetta.wordpress.com/

Il Focolare della Dea Iseum: Conselve
Our Iseum aims to help people reconnect with their inner self and soul, rediscovering the pure divine essence within them. We offer holistic techniques and rituals, inner healing paths and scientific methods such as hypnosis. We offer FOI training courses and holistic masters courses online and in person... with love.
Contact: Giada e Giuseppe
Email: ilfocolaredelladeaiseum@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552001061462

Il Tempio delle Stelle Iseum: Toretta (PA) Sicily
In these times of spiritual research, "Il Tempio delle Stelle" offers itself as the hearth of the Goddess in which to find healing through Reiki and comfort with the reading of the Akashic Records.Will be celebrate seasonal rites and the study of the tutelary deities of the Temple.
Contact: Ivioja
Email: iltempiodellestelle.foi@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Il-Tempio-delle-Stelle-Iseum-FOI/100088708425545/

il Tiaso di Sophia Iseum (The Sophia’s Thiasus): Roma
This Iseum characterizes itself as a place dedicated to the rediscovery of the Sacred Feminine, through research, study, exploration and sharing of its mythical, magical, historical aspects, from the cult of the Great Mother and the Goddesses to the expressions of the matrifocal culture present in the territory of central Italy.
Contact: Luisa
Email: iridescente.lg@gmail.com

Gli Antichi Misteri Femminili Lyceum and Iseum: Monteviale (Vicenza)
Dedicated to Brigid, Isis and Reitia. Through studies and research in the field of female spirituality and a practical shamanic path, the Lyceum/Iseum regularly offers seasonal celebrations, rites of passage, trainings, travels and women's gatherings to connect people with natural cycles and rediscover Sacredness in the Earth and within ourselves.
Contact: Laura
Email: gliantichimisterifemminili@gmail.com
Website: http://www.gliantichimisterifemminili.com

Iseum Iside Mirionima: Pozzuoli (Napoli)
Iseum dedicated to Isis Myrionima. Through devotion to the Goddess, in a journey of selfdiscovery in the Self, it will deal with the well-being and healing of souls and animals (soul-there), with FOI rites and those of other traditions, whose study will be constant to find a thread red.
Contact: Azzurra
Email: isidemirionima@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iseumdiisidemirionima

Iseum of Hekate Hieros Pyr: Nettuno, Roma
Dedicated to Hekate, Her cult, history, archeological findings and magical practices. It's aims are to spread correct information about the multifaceted, mysterious, all-encompassing nature of Hekate and, as a devotional hearth center of the Goddess, to offer spiritual counseling through various methods of divination and energetic attunement and healing.
Contact: Prs. Melinoe Paola Babatsikou
Email: paolababa@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093782477123

Iseum Per Ankh Thoth: Messina
A sacred place to join the love for the Gods and the Goddesses, searching for the origins of ourselves and the old wisdom through study and practical works, such as meditation, pathworkings, workshops.
Contact: Sopedet
Email: guendascarfi@hotmail.it

Iseum Tempio di Diana: Sermoneta, Latina
It's a Sacred Place for deepening relationship with the Goddesses, meditating, making spiritual offerings, being welcomed (person, animal or plant), express creativity within our inner feelings, a connection place with the Goddesses and Gods and with the Beings of Light, healing place. A Place of Acceptance and Divine Love.
Contact: Dafne Capuccio
Email: dafne31.dc@gmail.com

La Casa delle Melisse Iseum: Trento
Iseum dedicated to divination and the interpretation of dreams with the help of the Tarot. Practices of purification and protection, healing rites, meditation, shamanic journeys and Family constellations. The work is carried out in groups and individually, both in person and online. Deities honored are Isis, Demeter and Selkis.
Contact: Paola
Email: disantepaola@alice.it

La Sacra Fiamma Iseum: Belluno
The Sacred Flame Iseum is dedicated to the goddesses Isis, Bast and Hathor. Provides seasonal, lunar and ceremonial celebrations; rites of purifications, blessing and healing; divinatory consultations and yoga courses and paths of meditation and union with the goddesses.
Contact: Sadiya-Is
Email: iseumlasacrafiamma@gmail.com
Website: https://iseumlasacrafiamma.weebly.com/

Lyceum/Iseum Campense: Rome
Lyceum Campense was certified in 2003 and offers Priestess (9 months) and Hierophant (12 months) training in a mix of presence and distance methods. Iseum is housed in an ancient medieval tower with a large lararium dedicated to the Goddess Isis. Open to the public twice a month for lunar/seasonal celebrations.
Email: lyceumcampense@gmail.com
Website: https://compagniaiside.blogspot.com/

Lyceum & Solar Iseum of the Divine Meow: Palermo, Italy
En Erebos Phos Iseum (In Darkness Light Iseum)
Iseum dedicated to Hekate and Mithra. Lyceum & Solar dedicated to feline Goddessess and Gods. Distant training available for priestess/priest, solar alchemists and Magi degrees/Adept levels courses. Services: astrology, rituals and talismans for various needs of people and their pets. Rites of the full moon for the protection of animals.
Contact: Rev. Francesca Mezzatesta Prs. H.
Email: fmezz2000@yahoo.it

Lyceum/Iseum of the Mystic Rose: Vicenza
This Lyceum aims to orient the heart of those who enter towards the good and leads to a life where you live with love and respect. It offers rituals and inner paths aimed to develop a deeper connection with the soul and with the Divine. It offers FOI Magi degrees.
Contact: Rhodope
Email: iltempiodiisideemaria@gmail.com

Lyceum Santuario della Dea del Mediterraneo: Bologna
Iseum Il Loto e La Rosa
Dedicated to the Goddesses Isis, Inanna and Ariadne, divine emanations of the Power and Active Energy of the universe. Certified in 2020 in Bologna, offers trainings for future Priest/esses of the Goddess. Deals with research, study and cultural dissemination to promote the awakening of the Great Mediterranean Mother in the world.
Contact: Luigia
Email: santuariodeadelmediterrano@gmail.com

Lyceum, Iseum, & Solar Iseum of Sesheshet - The Sacred Sound: Latina
Grove of Danu Cerridwen and the Sacred Springs
Priorato del Giglio Bianco delle Quattro Terre (Priory of The White Lily of the Four Lands)

Lyceum and Solar Iseum offer Priesthood and Hierophant training, Magi Degree System, sacred instruments workshops. Grove and Priory offer rituals, daily spiritual practices, Rites of Passage, shamanic path for developing strong personal relationship with Gods/ Goddesses and with Nature, DCD and NOT training.
Contact: Rev. Gigliola Di Libero, Prs.H., ArchDrs, GDC
E-mail: sacredsound@libero.it
Lyceum: https://www.facebook.com/IseumOfSesheshet
Grove: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557161464417
Priory: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095141641524

Iseum of Isis and Osiris: Mexico
Iseum dedicate to venerate the Goddess Isis in her 10,000 names and Osiris, her beloved husband and companion. Healing with the Goddess Isis accompanied by Seichim Sekhem Reiki and akashic records.
Contact: Sonia Jim nez
Email: soniaj@yahoo.com
Website: https://sanandotuorigen.com/iseum/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sanando-tu-Origen-142427806455854/

Iseum de La Madre Cosmica : Ciudad de Mexico
Iseum dedicated to Sirona, goddess of healing. The purpose of this Iseum is to provide a space for the flourishing of feminine spirituality, recovering ancestral wisdom practices and working with medicinal dances and songs.
Contact: Susana Sirone
Email: susanasirone@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susana_sirone/


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Iseum do Caminho da Terra: Braga, Portugal
The Iseum do Caminho da Terra is an Iseum dedicated to Hekate and Persephone. Our main goal is to act as a safe haven and a home for all of those who wish to connect with the Goddess and to grow within this path.
Contact: Alexia Moon
Email: ict.caminhodaterra@gmail.com
Website: https://iseumcaminhodaterra.blogspot.com/


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House of Love and Thunder: Iseum of the Power of the Heart
House of the Fountain of Life: Lyceum of the Waters of Fire
Grove of the Bone Mother & Priory of Universal Waters
Holding space in Spain and Scotland. The Iseum is dedicated to Ancient Egypt. The Lyceum is dedicated to the Celtic and Iberian World. We share the curriculum of the College of Isis. Ness provides face to face training as well as online worldwide.
Contact: Ness Bosch
Email: la.sibila.78@gmail.com
Website: https://centros-foi-nessbosch.jimdofree.com

Iseum of the Black Moon: Tenerife
Dedicated to Hekate and Isis, we are oriented to devotional and ritual work, as well as offering study on the mysteries of the Goddesses. We do not offer Magi Degree formation.
Contact: Giovanna
Email: giovanna.n.diaz@gmail.com

Iseum of the Sacred Wind: Salamanca
Dedicated to Isis, Hecate, Athena and Eros. A heart of the Goddess that beats with the flow of the winds. Her mission is to rescue and offer knowledge of magic with the winds. To be a space from which you can access critical information and tools about witchcraft and paganism.
Contact: Roble Tormenta
Email: iseum@vientosagrado.com
Webpage: https://vientosagrado.com/

Iseum Triple Espiral Lunar: Alava
The Iseum Triple Espiral Lunar is a space to honor and offer offerings to the Goddess, following the line of the FoI. It is dedicated to the Goddesses Isis, Hekate and Morrigan.
Contact: Shanna
Email: iseumtripleespirallunar@gmail.com

Lyceum/Solar Iseum La Espiral: Malaga
Iseum dedicated to Isis, Hathor and Sekhmet; through the Devotional Dance, healing and energetic techniques and oracular arts (tarot and oracles). We offer seasonal celebrations and FOI rites.
Contact: Ari
Email: laespiralsolar@gmail.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laespiralsolar/

Lyceum / Solar Iseum Isis Myrionymos: Malaga
Dedicated to Isis, Goddess of 10,000 Names. Focuses on a devotional path, as we learn from Her many names. Through Devotion and Ritual, we seek to know our own Divinity. Healing and Oracular Arts are part of our work. “Each act of Love, is a devotional act for the Goddess.”
Contact: Zoe Moro
Email: info@isismyrionymos.com
Webpage: http://www.isismyrionymos.com

Isis Sothis Iseum: Barcelona
Dedicated to Isis Sothis, the sacred star that guides us, and to Osiris, her eternal companion. We celebrate the wheel of the year, the lunations and the heliacal raising of Sirius. Open to the community through our website, offering a service of petitions to the Goddess for those who wish it.
Contact: Josep/Ankhu
Email: isissothisiseum@gmail.com

Lyceum/Iseum Per Anj Luz de Sotis: Vigo
The Iseum & Lyceum Per Anj Luz de Sotis is dedicated to Hekate, Isis and Morrigan. Through the light of wisdom we work to elevate our consciousness. We see in Nature the Mysteries of the Goddess and we learn Her from wisdom.
Contact: Aradia Moon
Email: aradia358@gmail.com

Lyceum Isis Myrionymos: Malaga
Dedicated to Isis, Goddess of 10,000 Names. Focuses on a devotional path, as we learn from Her many names. Through Devotion and Ritual, we seek to know our own Divinity. Healing and Oracular Arts are part of our work. “Each act of Love, is a devotional act for the Goddess.”
Contact: Annu
Email: luperca.de.nemi@gmail.com

Lyceum Sekhmet, Lady of the Sacred Flame: Granada
Dedicated to Isis and Sekhmet. Lyceum purpose: to venerate the Goddess Isis in her 10,000 names. Using the rituals of the wheel of the year, we will celebrate the new and full moons. Priestess training, teachings of medicinal plants, Oracular arts/crafts, as well as Reiki and Magnified healing.
Contact: Rhiannon of the Moon
Email: ravenariel121@gmail.com

Lyceum Sekhmet the Lioness of the Sun: Madrid
Grove of the Iberia Ash
We honor Isis, the Great Goddess, the Goddess of a million faces and names, we honor Sekhmet, the great healer. I offer you to go inside of the sacred mysteries, and learn of Isis and training, teaching you the ancient wisdom, and how to walk the sacred path to Isis.
Contact: Isabeau
Email: bajolasalasdeisis@gmail.com
Phone: +34629278744

Stellar Labyrinth Iseum & Lyceum:: Madrid (also Houston, TX & Ciudad de Mexico)
A sacred space dedicated to the Goddesses Isis, Selket and Hecate where various workshops, healing techniques, rituals, lectures, witchcraft lessons, Wiccan classes, tarot and oracles, as well as Priesthood courses are taught and offered. Offers courses in the FoI Magi Degree System. Located in Spain, the USA and Mexico.
Contact: Ayra Alseret
Email: ayra.alseret@gmail.com
Website: https://stellarlabyrinth.wordpress.com


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Iseum of the Rekhet Akhu: Chicago, IL
Our mission is to highlight the interrelatedness of the communities of the living and the dead and to cultivate transfigured spirits (Akhu) within ourselves in our lifetimes through devotional relationships with the Kemetic Neteru, temple ritual magic and workings of apotropaic and healing magic. One-on-one and small group-based training.
Contact: Rev. Anna Applegate
Email: priestess@rekhetakhu.com
Website: www.rekhetakhu.com

Lyceum of Alexandria-Mishigami: Chicago, IL
We fuse a Kemetic Polytheist outlook with our members' disparate magical disciplines and offer a variety of public FOI Liturgy-based rituals and events for the Chicago Pagan and metaphysical communities. We also offer FOI Clergy training locally and via online methods for global spiritual seekers.
Contact: Rev. Demetria Nanos
Email: hail_isis@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/FOIintheChi/


Iseum of the Mystic Isis: Louisville, KY
Dedicated to Isis and Osiris and the pursuit of mystery, inspiration, and creativity in all forms. We work with both the FOI liturgy and rites of our own devising, and offer both online and in-person mentorship.
Contact: Rev. Lynn Blackthorn
Email: mysticisis-foi@mail.com
Website: http://mysticisis-foi.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iseumofthemysticisis/


Iseum Musicum: Bangor area, ME
Pagan ordination program. Course consists of 3 years of study under the guidance of Clergy. Includes intensive study of the Goddess in Her many forms and to bring awareness to Her place throughout history and in us. In addition, concentration on working with the earth, energetics, community building, and ritual planning.
Email: webgoddess@templeofthefemininedivine.org
Website: https://www.templeofthefemininedivine.org/iseum-musicum

Journeying the Underworld Iseum: Waterville, ME
Journeying the Underworld, a Hekate Iseum, helps you learn and explore strategies for your journey to and through the Underworld, including experiences of following loved ones into the Underworld during Grief and Loss, Traveling as support for others Underworld return, managing our personal dark times, and engaging in Soul Retrieval.
Contact: Araminta Star
Email: araminta.star@gmail.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/704244514047400/


The Rainbow Haven Crows Nest Iseum: Sawyer, MN
This Iseum is dedicated to the Three Morrigu: Badb, Macha, & Anu, to be a gathering place for those seeking to own their power and their voices, make noise, and embrace their Inner Warrior.
Contact: Christy Mother Raven LaPrairie
Email: MotherRavensRainbowHaven@outlook.com


Lyceum of the Lady of Temenos: Bedminster, NJ
Contact: Prs. H. Janet Piedilato
Email: temenos9@aol.com


Iseum of the Nine Muses: New York, NY
The Iseum of the Nine Muses was founded in New York City in 1992. Our philosophy is that all who wish to take part in the mysteries of the Goddess be permitted to do so.
Contact: Judy Ann Nock
Email: judyannnock@gmail.com


Iseum Of the Sacred Lotus: Easton, PA
We assist in developing a closer relationship with Isis. We are not a Kemetic reconstructionist group, we honour the past and Isiac history by incorporating that inspiration into modern practice. A chapter of the Temple of Isis in Geyserville California. Clergy training, student study and Isian services to the public.
Contact: Rev. James Isidorus
Email: ausetgypsy@gmail.com
Phone: 917-536-6303
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheIseumOfTheSacredLotus/


Iseum of Hathor, Lady of the West: Chesterfield, VA
Lyceum of Dionysus, Ariadne, & Aphrodite, Star of the Sea
Active in training Adepts for 9 years. Two Priests & four Priestesses will be graduating this 2018 later this year.
Contact: Rev. Donna M. Swindells
Email: ibgreenie3@yahoo.com

Iseum Center of Pandora: Llanelli
Llanelli Blaenberem, Mynyddcerrig, Llanelli, SA15 5BL
All Goddess worshippers welcomed.
Contact: Rev. Rufus Brock Maychild
Email: rufus.maychild@gmail.com

Iseum of the Hellenic Isis
Iseum/Lyceum of Isis and Arianrhod: South Wales Valleys
Open to all who honour Isis in Her classical form, as She was worshipped throughout the Greek/Roman world. The Lyceum offers a programme of training for the Priesthood and Adepti, and the Iseum has a Hellenic focus, honouring the God/desses of Greece/Rome and the works of the Classical philosophers.
Contact: Ariadne Rainbird
Email: karinrainbirdariadne@yahoo.co.uk

Iseum of Mary Magdalene, Hekate & Isis: South Wales
Adepti training offered.
Contact: Claire Pingel
Email: claire280870@aol.com

(also review listings in individual countries for those who teach both in person and online)

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Crossroads Correspondence Lyceum: based in the USA
Founded in 1993, this eclectic home-study school offers many programs dedicated to the intuitive arts and Mysteries of the Goddess. Magi Degrees and Initiate Levels may be attained, as well as Priesthood, Adepthood and Hierophant training. All Goddesses and traditions are honored.
Contact: Connia Silver
Website: http://www.crlyceum.com

Iseum of the Divine Isis Within: based in the USA
Seeking to awaken the Divine spark of Isis in those who are called by this Powerful Goddess. The Iseum offers a course of study for those who feel in their hearts a deep desire to cultivate a personal relationship with Isis through personal experience, ritual and monthly online meetings.
Contact: Amy Auset Rohn
Email: amyausetrohn@gmail.com
Website: http://www.thegoddessinside.com/priestess-of-isis-intensive
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Iseum-of-the-Divine-Isis-Within-197325982435/

Iseum of Hekate, Phosphoros, Soteira and Psychopompos Hermeneus: based in Ireland
Currently offering correspondence study on the Spiral of the Adepti training path within the FOI. In the future, there will be in-person training made available for those willing to travel. The Iseum was Founded Bealtaine 2009 and Chartered by Lady Olivia Robertson in June 2009, dedicated to Hekate and Hermes.
Contact: Dorn Simon
Email: newdorn@gmail.com

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