Fellowship of Isis
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Introduction to the Fellowship of IsisHere are the words of the late co-founder, Olivia Robertson:Listen on YouTube "You may now want to know something about the Fellowship of Isis. It was founded in 1976 by my brother, his wife Pamela, and myself, and this is, this date in a way when you'll be listening, is 1991 and now we have over 10,500 members in 69 countries. And people want to know - how do we manage this? The answer is simple. We are all in rapport in the inner planes. There is a rainbow circulation of light and friendliness between all our countries. So it doesn't matter what religion you belong to. We have people who are Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Hindu, every type of tradition, united. Now people, some people may say - isn't this eclectic? The answer is yes, but we only have this blending when there is something we all share in common. For instance, we all share the Sun in common. And above all, the balancing power of the feminine. Why do we emphasize the feminine? It's been so rejected - well, really neglected. The over-emphasis on patriarchy, male qualities has led to the state our earth is in today. So this misplaced contempt for all qualities of the feminine has caused I believe most of our troubles on earth. Because not only are the earthly qualities of the Goddess despised, but her psychic powers. So we believe in developing the psychic powers as well." photo © copyright reserved The Fellowship of Isis (FOI) is dedicated to honoring the Goddess in Her many forms. It was founded at Huntington (Clonegal) Castle in Ireland on the Vernal Equinox of 1976. The founders were Olivia Robertson, her brother Lawrence and his wife, Pamela Durdin-Robertson. (Read more about the FOI founders.)
The FOI is multi-religious, multi-racial, and multi-cultural. It is dedicated to honoring the religion of all the Goddesses and pantheons throughout the planet. As Olivia Robertson wrote in 2002: "I would like to correct an inaccuracy in the definition of the Fellowship of Isis as a Pagan organization. We are happy to have 1000's of Pagans among our 21,000 members in so many countries. But we also have Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Spiritualists and Hindus as members. All love and follow the religion of Isis of 10,000 Names."
photo © 2008 M.Q. The Goddess is seen as Deity, the Divine Mother of all beings. To read further about the history of the Goddess, please see the lecture given by co-founder Lawrence Durdin Robertson, on The Religion of the Goddess . Thousands of members from various esoteric traditions have joined the Fellowship of Isis from countries throughout the world. Members often blend their own rites with those offered by the Fellowship.
However expressed, all members acknowledge In August 1993, the Fellowship of Isis was represented at the Parliament of the World's Religions Centennial Session. Olivia Robertson, co-founder of the FOI was invited to attend, along with other appointed FOI delegates. This was the first time that the religion of the Goddess was publicly acknowledged as a world faith at this parliament. Olivia was one of two women and sixteen men who addressed the opening plenary from the platform. She gave the blessings of Isis to the world. You can read more about the Parliament here. Olivia at the 1993 Parliament of World's Religions To learn more about the FOI, please also visit the following: Hear and read the various FOI Prayers, written and performed by Olivia Robertson. Olivia also wrote the vast Liturgy of the FOI, all of which is free to read online. Members will also be interested in the "Perpetual Calendar of the Fellowship of Isis", written by Lawrence Durdin Robertson: Juno Covella, as well as the Call of Isis, written by Olivia Robertson. For Olivia's works in book form, please see our online bookstore. There are many types of Fellowship centers throughout the world that a member may join in order to network or to further their spiritual training. There are also many who choose to work as solitary members within the Fellowship of Isis. Animal friends may also be enrolled under the Animal Family of Isis. Membership within the FOI provides a means of promoting closer communion between the Goddess and each member, both singly and as part of a larger group. History of the FOI Spiral of the Adepti / Iseums College of Isis / Lyceums FOI Priesthood & Spiral of Alchemy Druid Clan of Dana / Groves Noble Order of Tara All Rights Reserved. |