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Hearths of the Goddess

Altar honoring Vesta of the Flame
Shrine of Gemini/Vesta
© O. Robertson, Foundation Center Temple

"Iseums are not enclosed circles keeping members in, and outsiders out;
they are spirals reaching out to the cosmos!"

Olivia Robertson

Olivia Robertson writes in the Iseum Manual (2003 ed.)
           "How we long for a group of friends! Family is our past: friendship is our present: a Pantheon for our future. The wayfarer wanders alone through hedged fields and high mountains: the solitary soul moves among the stars and makes circuitous routes through the enigmatic darkness of space. He may even traverse the black tunnels, mortuaries of exploded stars, and through black holes find untold Heavens. But always, in the labyrinth of passing time, eternity eludes the cosmic pilgrim. For eternity is not in the seeking, but in the finding. It is the goal of the quest, not the quest itself. It is the stillness within mighty storms and the love that does not torture through denial but is expressed through kindness."

Fellowship of Isis Iseums

           An Iseum is a "Hearth of the Goddess" where Fellowship members may draw strength, love and inspiration. An Iseum may provide spiritual offerings, seasonal rites, and overall fellowship. Each Iseum has its own magic, its own Divinity, and is dedicated to a Goddess (or a Goddess and a God). An Iseum may consist of one, or many members and its members may practice any other personal religion or path.

           Each Iseum has its own unique purpose inspired by the overseeing Deity or Deities. Some objectives include (but are not limited to): performing healing work, celebrating the seasons of the year, environmental conservation, honoring of a particular pantheon, shamanic work, performing Fellowship ritual, studying cultural heritage, animal welfare, and exploring various spiritual subjects. The overseeing Deity motivates and provides each Founder with the individual Iseum intention. This purpose is free to change and evolve.

            Adepts within the Spiral of the Adepti give training in the Initiate Level system. An Iseum may also offer Priesthood training if the Administrator is ordained within the Fellowship and Alchemical Degree training to members of the FOI Priesthood if s/he is a Priest/ess Alchemist. Please note - these are three separate study systems and courses for these may be taken in person or through correspondence.

More information on Iseums:

Iseum Initiate Level System

Applying to an Iseum

Founding and Managing an Iseum

FOI Centers

Guidelines for all Centers

Iseum Publications

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