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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

Fellowship of Isis
Applying to an Iseum Hearth of the Goddess

           To join an Iseum, you must also be a member of the Fellowship of Isis. Divine guidance and intuition are needed to find an Iseum relevant to the place, faith and ideals of a prospective member. The member can choose the degree of involvement. There are no binding oaths or secrecy involved. A member may leave freely at any time and may also join other Iseums at the same time. As Olivia Robertson writes: “Iseums are not enclosed circles keeping members in, and outsiders out; they are spirals reaching out to the cosmos!”

           A member may apply to an Iseum through a personal meeting with the Founder or Administrator, or through postal correspondence. While the FOI is open to all sincere followers of the Goddess, discrimination when enrolling new Iseum members is essential to maintain harmony in group and ritual work. Initiation into a Fellowship of Isis Iseum is given through the rite of Flamma Vestae.

           Members may join as many Iseums at a time as they wish, however it is recommended by Olivia Robertson to study the Initiate Level system with one Iseum at any given time.

Directory of Active Centers

General Information on Iseums

Iseum Initiate Level System

Founding and Managing an Iseum

Guidelines for all Centers

FOI Priesthood Training

Iseum Publications

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