This section is for new members as well as solitary members to learn more about the Fellowship of Isis. Please scroll to read the full page, or use the following links to be taken directly to the information you need:
Solo Rites
For those who do not have access to an FOI center in their area, or simply prefer to work alone, there are many opportunities for solo spiritual growth within the Fellowship of Isis. Olivia Robertson wrote the following in her book "Maya, Goddess Rites for Solo Use":
"Through the years members have asked for devotional practices for those who worship the Goddess on their own. The word 'worship' describes the initial stage of our relationship to the Divine Mother: as we develop in Her way we achieve a loving identity with Her, while retaining our own originality, and honour for Her manifestation through others. Daily private practice, whether in silence or through spoken words, is essential for sustained progress on the religious path. To invoke, sing and dance on one's own requires moral courage, but unbinds the soul! There is no limitation to the Pantheon of Deities in all faiths, and no limit either to the divinity latent in each of their offspring. Therefore, although apparently alone, the Devotee becomes more and more part of that rainbow network which brings Heaven on earth."
Maya cover © Olivia Robertson
The book "Maya" is useful for solo members to become familiar with the FOI Liturgy, as it contains five rituals adapted for solitary members by Olivia Robertson. You may read it in full online, or order a copy of it in book form:
Online Liturgy - Alphabetical List
FOI Bookstore
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FOI Temple Prayer Tree © M. Quick
FOI Prayers
There are many FOI prayers that may be used by any member on a regular basis. Here is the daily prayer:
"Holy Goddess Isis, Mother of all beings, come to our hearts.
Grant us, Thy children, Love and Joy, Wisdom and Abundance.
We offer Thee our loving care for all who are born of Thee."
To read and listen to Olivia Robertson invoke the Fellowship of Isis prayers, see this page:
FOI Prayers & Blessings
FOI Oracle of the Month
If you would like to be emailed the FOI Oracle on the first of each month, see this link:
Join the Email List
You may also receive it by visiting any of our social media sites. These are also important information sources to receive the latest updates. You may also stay connected by regularly visiting our What's New page.
Blog Facebook Instagram Bluesky X YouTube
FOI Attunement
At the FOI Foundation Center Temple, attunement is offered every day in the morning and evening from 6:30 to 8:30 (GMT). You are welcome to participate in this attunement in any manner and time that you wish. "Members and others may attune at any time to the Fellowship of Isis, knowing that somewhere the Goddess is being invoked and her Blessings sent forth." (quote from "Maya")
To help facilitate a deeper connection, you may wish to review the FOI photo gallery and tour the Castle Temple:
Photos of the Castle Temple
Tour the Castle Temple
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Learn about the FOI
As a new member of the Fellowship of Isis, you may want to acquaint yourself with its history. Here are some useful links:
Biographies of the Co-Founders
FOI History Section
Olivia Robertson also wrote the book, "Isis of Fellowship, How the Fellowship of Isis was Founded", that you may order: FOI Bookstore
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Societies & Further Study
There are many "daughter societies" within the Fellowship of Isis, which you may learn about from the links below. For those who wish to obtain FOI degrees/titles, or study for the Priesthood, please be advised that this is only accomplished through study and certification with an FOI center, either in person or through correspondence.
For those who wish to network further, here is a page where you may contact active centers:
Directory of FOI Centers
Advisory note: there are many FOI centers and websites worldwide, however some are not affiliated with the FOI Foundation Center and choose not to follow its guidelines. See this page for more information: non-affiliated members & centers
Foundation Center Societies:
Lyceums: College of Isis
Iseums: Spiral of the Adepti
Priesthood: Priesthood & the Spiral of Alchemy
Priories: Noble Order of Tara
Groves: Druid Clan of Dana
Special Project: Muses Symposium
Animal Family of Isis
Olivia Robertson wrote: "What I visualise is this. Lyceums will form teaching centres not only in waking hours, but through giving psychic Magi instruction to classes at night - which will be remembered on waking. The Druid Can of Dana will form a Dannaan World Wood from the various Groves. And the Noble Order of Tara will create a Round Table of Priories helping each Priory in work for the environment. This inter-connecting rainbow network, with particular aims will begin by using letters, email and the World-Wide Web. But as the veil thins between earth and psychic spheres, this network will become telepathic, through empathy. Then we will really meet the glorious Goddesses and Gods that we hopefully invoke. We will have attained the end of Heart's Desire." (August 1999)
Full information on all of the societies may also be found in this book: "FOI Manuals, A Compendium":