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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

Druid Clan of Dana
Fellowship of Isis
Foundation-Center Society

Shrine of Dana at Foundation Center Temple
image © FOI Homepage

"The purpose of the Druid Clan of Dana
is to develop nature's psychic gifts."

Druid Clan of Dana Overview:
            The Druid Clan of Dana (DCD) is a Foundation-Center Society of the Fellowship of Isis. It was established by Olivia and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in 1992. Groups within the DCD are organized into Groves, and each Grove is founded by a Archdruidess or Archdruid of the Clan. The Grove Goddess (or Goddess and God) may be of any race or tradition.

            Archdruid/esses are qualified to act as Grove preceptors for those who wish to attain DCD Initiations. There is an established Liturgy and Initiation structure for the Druid Clan of Dana, but there is no one curriculum. Archdruid/esses, through inspiration from their own dedicatory Deity (or Deities) produce their own unique training program.

Olivia Robertson writes in Isis of Fellowship:
            "The Druid Clan of Dana sprang from actual experiences of my brother Lawrence and myself during our summers at Clonegal Castle. The local clerics warned our parents of the dangers their children might be facing from our strange friendship with an aged hermit living by the Slaney River. How we discovered him I cannot remember, but he brought us the world of the miraculous! The ancient site in which he dwelt is now overgrown and only trespassed upon by the odd angler who hardly would annoy faeries. The Faery Seat and Bees Rock still stand firm amidst the swirling waters of the River of Healing – in Irish – Slainte. On the left bank when we children went upstream was Mr. Fox’s cottage – two fields from an ancient neolithic site. . . . It was Mr. Fox who introduced me to the magic of the Sidhe – faery folk . . . I enjoyed stories about faeries, but it was with some difficulty that I could persuade him to tell me about them. They lived thousands of years ago, he told me, and had used the land outside his cottage as their Holy Place. Mr. Fox would take me to drink from the ancient well, which he said those far-off people would use before their ceremony, when they awoke at dawn. Their rite consisted of honouring the sun as it rose every morning. He would watch their ways . . . So Mr. Fox would take me through those ancient rites as on a pilgrimage."

The Slaney River & town of Enniscorthy
River Slaney & Enniscorthy
© T. Everett

            "There was another mystical influence in my life, which affected our whole family. We knew AE – George Russell, respected for his mystical writings and paintings. . . His paintings depicted beings composed of light, hence naked. Using oil colours, he was able to present the translucent appearances of such beings. For he was painting not only the Gods and Goddesses of Ireland, but those who could traverse our planet in seconds and descended through our solid earth as if it were a cloud. Only later was I to recognise his accurate portrayal."

Olivia Robertson writes in the FOI and DCD manuals:
            "The Druidic Way is the way of the Hearth. And that hearth is the doorway to other realms. And the best hearth to use is one's own. One's Guides are those who know the treasures and the dangers about us. And they know that the stone fireplaces are shown forth as Dolmens, twin pylons, stone gateways that frame the rising and setting of the sun. For the secret is not in the sun, or the moon, or the stars, or the stone or the dolmens. The secret lies in ourselves. It is the Goddess within us who tends the hearth and our inner God who summons us to the quest. The way of the Druid Clan of Dana is to be silent so that the divine call is heard. And the eyes are shut so that Dana, our Mother, may be seen in all Her transcendent beauty."

            "Our purpose is to move directly from the ancient Irish oral tradition to the telepathic communion of the New Aeon. The Goddess Dana, Mother of the Goddesses and Gods of Eire and of us all, bestows on us Her gifts, now that we are prepared to make good use of them. In our Grove of Eithne in Clonegal, we honour all true traditions of every race and religion: we respect Ireland's many ways from the pre-Celtic Firbolgs and Fomorians, to the Tuathe De Danann and Celtic Christians. Dana has showed Herself to me and so I follow her way. Her hair is of the sun, her skin is pale as the moon and her turquoise blue mantle surrounds our islands as the sea. Yet She may appear with golden-ebony skin of Africa or with the copper glow of the Mayans. She is both Earth Mother and Queen of Heaven.

Entrance to Old Abbey
Springtime Entrance to Abbey
image © O.R. (additional cropping & enhancement by this site)

            "We practise Druid rituals in the Old Abbey, a ruin filled with flowering shrubs and rambling roses. Parts of it date from the 14th Century, the same date as our yew walk that borders the Wilderness. We have there a dolmen altar and two marble vessels containing rain water. We began using this for rituals in 1963, when Philip Ross Nichols, Chosen Chief of the English Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, would join us in Danaan ceremonies. His successor, Philip Carr-Gomm, also worked with us during the late sixties and seventies. Nowadays, the Herenach Brady of The Name, of the pre-Druid Megalithic Order, performs Irish ceremonies in Gaelic. This language is essential for Celtic ritual. We use bullawn stone, well, yew walk and wilderness in our magical workings." (See more Castle photos at the Gallery page.)

Well Chapel
Well Chapel
image © O. Robertson

            "Companions of the Druid Clan of Dana live as if this were the Golden Age now: And so it is in the Inner Planes! When we open our spiritual sense through our etheric life energy, we see, hear, travel, enjoy life in The Land of Heart's Desire. The key is love. As this consciousness expands, it affects family, friends and neighbourhood. Even the cat smiles! Radiations from a Grove, whether this be in city or countryside, beat worldly ills through the auras of humans, animals, trees and stones. Communion with the Deities, with the Sidhe - elemental Beings - and friends in Spirit is enjoyed. There is no death once the soul learns to leave the body in full consciousness. Our true selves are of the Immortals. Disease, hatred, jealousy and fear are dissolved as we awaken from the world dream which we ourselves have created. We see through the worldly veil and discover the ever living earth Body of the Goddess."

DCD Non-Affiliation Statement:

            In addition to the FOI's general non-affiliation clause, Olivia announced this in April 2008: "FOI and the Druid Clan of Dana have no affiliation to any other organisation. No member of the Druid Clan of Dana is authorized at any time to represent the Clan in any other organisation." (see letter)

            Further information on the founding of the Druid Clan of Dana may be read in the introduction from Dana: PDF Version   /   HTML Version

            Please also see the "Druid Clan of Dana Manual", and Chapter 5 of the booklet, "Isis of Fellowship, How the FOI was founded": Publications

Druid Clan of Dana Initiation System

Applying to a DCD Grove

Founding and Managing a DCD Grove

Oracle of the Goddess Dana

FOI Centers

Guidelines for all Centers

Druid Clan of Dana Publications

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