Druid Clan of Dana
Initiation Structure
"I woke up with an idea yesterday, the planets
Jupiter, Mars and Saturn were all sitting together in the night sky!"
Olivia Robertson, 4/7/2000
This Druid Clan of Dana Initiation structure was developed by Olivia Robertson in the year 2000, which she introduced in Isian News #97. You can read her announcement of it here: Lughnasad 2000 and read the beginning formative ideas from her letters on this page: initiation structure letters.
Within this framework, there are 12 Initiations divided into 4 Grades. The Grove Archdruid/ess offers a program of study around each of the DCD Initiation dramas. These may be taught either in person or through correspondence. Each program of study is completely original based upon the Dedicatory Deities of the Grove and the FOI Liturgy.
Entry Rite for the DCD:
DCD Companion Entry Ritual:
The entry ritual to the DCD is the "Rite of Dana." (PDF Version / HTML Version) This is separate from the DCD Liturgy initiations below and is enacted when the candidate is spiritually ready to become a Companion in a specific Grove of the DCD.
Olivia wrote on May 4th, 2000: "The 2 formal Dana and Tara Initiations are separate from the study-rites. Indeed, the candidate may not be ready for these at any specific point, so they cannot be always used during a specific time. People develop at different paces." She wrote again on May 25th, 2000: "I feel people need some time to get used to the Order/Clan before they make such an important step." (This ritual may also be found in the "Consecration Rituals" section of the Liturgy, as well as in the DCD Manual.)
Grades and Liturgy of the DCD:
(Note: The summaries below were written by Olivia Robertson.)
The Druid Clan of Dana develops psychic, spiritual and mystical gifts. The 12 Initiations are divided into four Grades. Three Initiations are experienced within each Grade.
1st Grade: Bard
The first Grade deals with balancing inner forces through direct experience. Success brings the designation "Bard." The following rituals within the booklet Fortuna are used to attain initiations for this Grade: 1) Riddle of the Sphinx, 2) Monkey Pilgrim, 3) The Power Users.
2nd Grade: Druid/ess
The second Grade is concerned with the spiritual sphere which is the inner life of all Nature. The designation "Druidess" or "Druid" is
conferred. The following rituals within the booklet Fortuna are used to attain initiations for this Grade: 4) Throne of Destiny, 5) Rainbow Bridge, 6) Cesara's Ark.
3rd Grade: Herenach
The third Grade teaches the art of bringing harmony between people, other groups and world cultures. The ancient title is "Herenach." The following rituals within the booklet Fortuna are used to attain initiations for this Grade: 7) Weighing the Heart, 8) The Plumed Serpent Awakens, 9) The Tablets of Fate.
4th Grade: Archdruid/ess
After attainment of this final Grade, "Archdruidess" or "Archdruid" the authority is given to found a Grove because of psychic, spiritual and mystical development. The following rituals within the booklet Fortuna are used to attain initiations for this Grade: 10) The Shining Twins, 11) Pillar of Fire, 12) Cone of Creation.
Olivia offers flowers at a DCD Rite

image © O. Robertson
(additional cropping & enhancement by this site)
Consecration Rituals for each Grade:
Rites for the 4 Grades :
The presiding Archdruid/ess is responsible for creating the consecration rites for the Grades of "Bard", "Druid" and "Herenach" in their Grove.
The ritual Consecration of an Archdruid/ess (PDF Version / HTML Version) is used to consecrate an Archdruid/ess within the DCD once all 12 Initiations are attained. (This ritual may also be found in the "Consecration Rituals" section of the Liturgy, as well as in the DCD Manual.)
When a member achieves any of the four Grade titles in the DCD, it is then registered with the Fellowship of Isis.
The Cosmic Web

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DCD Initiate System:
"The harmonious and mystical Dana Clan would relate to our beloved Tarot and of course the shining constellations. The zodiac I am told is Indian - Egyptian - Romany - how eclectic can you get?" (quote from Olivia Robertson, personal correspondence)
There are 12 working initiations in the DCD. The rites 1-12 of the booklet Fortuna: Creation Through the Goddess make up the Liturgy of the DCD and are noted on the planetary rays of the Cosmic Web diagram above. The entry Rite of Dana is included on the 4 loops of the cosmic spiral, from outer to inner. This ritual is only enacted when the candidate is spiritually ready to be admitted into the DCD as a Companion. Archdruid/esses create their own courses, linking with these rites from the above DCD Liturgy. The Dramas of Initiation are based upon the intersecting points made by the Star of Ishtar bisecting the 4-fold coils of the Dragon Tiamat. Please see the Cosmic Web of the Universe for more information.
"Quick Key" to the Cosmic Web for the DCD Initiation System
The taking of an Initiation lies with the member and may involve months or years. The number of Initiations acquired in no way has any bearing upon a member's status within the Druid Clan of Dana. Each member is given equal honor and privileges. Initiations are simply a way for an individual to chart a path for their own personal growth and to keep track of their spiritual progress. (See also the Initiation Guidelines.)
Additional Notes:
Olivia Robertson later also assigned the booklet: Ishtar of the Starry Heavens:
Shape-Shifting of the Alchemical Twins, as an alternate to be used in the place of "Fortuna" for the 12 DCD Initiations. (In this case, the first 3 rituals would be used for the first Grade, the second 3 rituals for the second Grade, and so on.)
This is the only system of study that was solely written by Olivia Robertson at Clonegal Castle for the Druid Clan of Dana. It was her unique vision and gift to the DCD as well as the NOT, as both initiation systems were inspired at the same time. Although Olivia encouraged other members to create their own systems if they wished, the Initiation and Grades included in these pages were what she created for the overall Fellowship of Isis and at her request, were always included in the yearly updated FOI manuals as well.
For more information on the DCD, see the appropriate section:
DCD Overview
Applying to a DCD Grove
Founding and Managing a DCD Grove
FOI Centers
Guidelines for all Centers
Oracle of the Goddess Dana
DCD Publications
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