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Druid Clan of Dana
Founding and Managing a Grove

            In order to found a Grove, a member is first consecrated an Archdruid/ess and certified for her/his own Grove. This is obtained through courtesy and discussion with the Archdruid/esses of the training Grove. Grove Archdruid/esses sponsor members for new Groves.

            See the sections below for specific guidelines to manage a Grove, as well as these specific pages:

Center Guidelines

DCD Initiate System

Initiation into a FOI Grove:
            Initiation into a DCD Grove as a Companion is given through the "Rite of Dana" (PDF Version / HTML Version), either in person or through attunement. This ritual may also be found in the DCD Manual.

Creating a curriculum:
            The dedicatory Goddess, or Goddess and God, manifest particular attributes of the Deities associated with the Grove. Therefore there is no set curriculum for the Druid Clan of Dana. Archdruid/esses, through direct inspiration from their particular Grove Deity, produce their own original training program. This reflects the democratic character of the FOI and the Druid Clan of Dana. One linking factor between all Grove programs of study is that they are based on the DCD Grove Liturgy. This Liturgy was written by Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder.

Acceptance of Initiations:
            Once a program of study is complete, the student has an opportunity to attain an Initiation through enactment of a corresponding DCD Drama. Archdruid/esses confer Initiations in the manner that they accept the member's experience of Divine Awareness once received during the ritual. For full guidelines, please see the section Initiation Guidelines.

Sponsoring & Registering a New Archdruid/ess:
            Archdruid/esses train and sponsor other members as Archdruid/esses. Once the requirements are met (a minimum of 4 Grades/12 Initiations achieved through appropriate course and ritual work), the new Archdruid/ess is then consecrated through the FOI ritual "Consecration of an Archdruid/ess of the DCD". (PDF Version / HTML Version) This ritual may also be found in the DCD Manual. It may be performed either in person or through attunement with the training Archdruid/ess.

            A DCD/FOI certificate is issued to the new Archdruid/ess and the new appointment is registered with the FOI. The new Archdruid/ess may then go on to found a Grove and teach the DCD Initiate system.

Sponsoring & Registering a Grove:
            Grove Founders may sponsor members for their own Groves. A DCD/FOI certificate is issued and the new Grove is then registered with the FOI.

For more information on the DCD, see the appropriate section below:

General DCD Information

DCD Initiation System

Applying to a DCD Grove

Guidelines for all Centers

Oracle of the Goddess Dana

DCD Publications

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