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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

Affiliation Clarification from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI

November 21, 2006:
"The Noble Order of Tara, F.O.I., has no affiliation with any other Order of Chivalry."

"Druid Clan of Dana, FOI, has no affiliation with any other Druidic organisation."

April 23 & 30, 2008:
"FOI and the Druid Clan of Dana have no affiliation to any other organisation."

"No member of the Druid Clan of Dana is authorized at any time to represent the Clan in any other organisation."

Blessings of Dana,
Olivia Robertson

In addition, Olivia wrote on February 15, 2000: "Members are free to run their own organizations separately from the Fellowship of Isis. As stated in the Manifesto, The Fellowship of Isis is not affiliated with any particular organization. Individual members only are accepted into the Fellowship."

Note: These clarifications apply equally to all Foundation Center Societies within the FOI, including the overall Fellowship of Isis itself. As per the Manifesto, the FOI has "no particular affiliations". Members or their individual centers are encouraged to join organizations of their choice. However, the Fellowship of Isis itself (or any of its Societies), is not to be represented by any one member or group.

It is also requested that center administrators choose their website URLs and email addresses based upon their own center's name (not the FOI) to avoid confusion and misunderstanding within the Fellowship of Isis. Olivia wrote on February 20, 2001: "when we began I stipulated that each site should have its own Lyceum or Iseum name."

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