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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

(Esta página en Español.)

Shrine of Leo, Honoring the Animals
Shrine of Leo
photo: © O. Robertson

The Fellowship of Isis honors beings of all kinds, including animals. The Manifesto states:

The “Animal Family of Isis” accepts members’ animal and bird friends through centres. . .
Every Being - human, animal, bird, tree - element - is an eternal offspring
of the Divine Family of the Mother Goddess.

The FOI Blessing:
Listen: Hear the Blessing (193kb)

In the Names of Isis and Osiris,
May all beings be Blessed:
Spirits and humans,
animals, birds, reptiles,
fishes, insects, plants,
rainforests, the Earth
and all Her sacred elements.

Olivia Robertson describes a Castle ritual in 1977:

"Animals took part, and birds sang. Twitchet the black cat joined Olivia Robertson in the window, before the Sun Rite: Salamandar the chestnut Shetland pony cropped the grasses of Elysium: Nellie, the King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, joined those entering the Temple of Isis."

Liturgy: Autumn. Liturgy of the Earth: The Blessing of the Animals. 6th Rite of Dea

Olivia & Otto
Olivia & Otto
© Logic Reality

Olivia Robertson writes:

And this is the secret of 'Rescue Work'. You rescue trees and flowers and people and animals from hurt because they are part of yourself. On the earth plane this is hard to realize. On the psychic level, harmony of all beings is a law which, when understood, gives one the freedom of that sphere. (The Call of Isis)

If you befriend one especial animal friend, he/she acts as intermediary – like Anubis the jackal – with all his kind. Befriend one snake and the rest won’t bite you. So in our ancient Abbey ruins I would ask the candidate: ‘Who is your soul friend’ among – plants – trees – insects – reptiles – birds – animals – and so forth, extending to angels and Deities. I discovered there was more meaning in this than appeared. (Druid Clan of Dana Manual)

Love the creatures around you through touch - the rough bark of a free or the cool splash of water. It is by stroking a cat's fur and making her purr that you touch the cosmic rhythm! (Oracle of Sekhmet)

Every time you send forth healing for all, or for one animal or plant, you change the world around you for good. (Oracle of Kwan Yin)

Cats particularly enjoy ritual; but other animals and birds attain benefit. For in the true world of perfection where they eternally belong, the cat plays with mice and the mice tempt them to such play, which in the psychic worlds is not followed by pain and death. A lion indeed lies down with a lamb, for Nature, which shows herself red in tooth and claw on this plane, in the inner spheres shows a lovelier face. (Dea)

Below are pictures and drawings of some beloved members of the animal family at Clonegal Castle:

Olivia walking in the snow with Castle animals
Castle Animals
Drawing by O. Robertson / personal correspondence

"Fluff" in the Temple
(Well Cover on Left)

photo © O. Robertson (cropped/enhanced by this site)

Olivia with an early Temple cat
Olivia with an early Temple cat
© Clonegal Castle booklet

Boris, the Temple pot-bellied pig
© S. Durdin-Robertson

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Related Link - Animals of Clonegal Castle

The photos and drawings on this page have been generously donated by the Durdin-Robertson family and friends. Please do not reproduce. All copyrights reserved. Thank you.

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