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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

From the Circle of Brigid & Cressida Pryor
Foundation Center Temple, Enniscorthy, Ireland
September 29, 2014

Printable PDF File

Fellowship of Isis Code of Ethics

This document is compiled from the Compendium of FOI Manuals published November 2013 and further amendments made by Lady Olivia and published on the various FOI websites. The purpose of this document is to clarify and to form a coherent understanding of the Ethical Principles of the FOI. Please refer to the aforementioned documents for reference.

As Lady Olivia stated,

“In Isis we rely not on rules and regulations, But on the Divine Power of Her Winnowing Wings of Protection. In Her we trust.”
  • However, as clearly stated within the various Ethics statements, there is therefore an onus of integrity and responsibility upon every individual member to uphold and adhere to the principles and ideals of the Fellowship, as set out in the Manifesto.

  • The FOI has no affiliations to any other organisation. Members who manage or own other spiritual groups are asked to promote and perform their work independently from any Fellowship centre that they may also administer (such as a Lyceum).The FOI does not provide an umbrella for any individual or organisation, nor is it an “outer court” society for any “inner court” religion. Other business, groups or organisations may be run by our members, but they are considered separate and not affiliated with the FOI. This non-affiliation policy extends to all of the FOI Foundation Centre Societies. In addition, members are welcome to join any organisations of their choice, which does not contravene the spirit of equality and inclusiveness embraced by the FOI. The FOI (or any of its societies) is not to be represented by any one person or group within the context of other organisation(s).

  • All members have equal privileges within the FOI. Degrees, Levels, and Initiations are earned through study within a Fellowship centre. Once a certain number is attained, a member has the opportunity to obtain certain titles within the FOI. (These appointments are accompanied by the appropriate FOI ritual). Titles are merely descriptions of the type of work, service and responsibility undertaken within the FOI. All members of the FOI, regardless of Titles or Degrees are equal. However, as Olivia, before her death, appointed Cressida Pryor her successor, Cressida in her role as Steward is the guiding voice of the FOI.

  • The FOI is multi-faith, multi-racial and multi-cultural. One purpose is to bring spiritual balance between the masculine energy and the feminine flow encouraging the inner harmony of the two forces within ourselves. Therefore the FOI is dedicated to the honouring of all the Goddesses, Gods and Pantheons throughout the planet. All members retain their own faiths and beliefs and are encouraged to blend their own practices with those of the Fellowship's own liturgy. However expressed, all members acknowledge the Divine attributes of the Goddess, Love, Beauty and Truth. Membership is open to all who follow these principles. Children under 18 years need parental consent. (See additional letter from Olivia November 15th 2002 p.40.1)

  • The FOI respects the freedom of conscience of each member. There are no binding vows or commitments to secrecy. All Fellowship activities are optional and members are free to resign without question.

  • Membership is free.

  • Sacrilegious desecration of the spiritual religion of the Goddess constitutes legitimate grounds for automatic expulsion from the FOI. This will be done only by means of the proper complaints procedures in consultation as necessary with senior members worldwide who together with the Fellowship's Steward are authorised to maintain its integrity.

  • No act of submission, domination, exploitation, physical trial, including physical or mental wounding or sexual exploitation will be tolerated within the FOI. The ideals of the Fellowship include prevention of abuse and exploitation of humans, animals, and our environment. Nature is revered and conserved. The Rites exclude any form of sacrifice whether actual or spiritual. Any member has the right, at any time, to seek assistance from outside authorities.

Complaints Procedures

It is recommended that individuals, where possible, should address any concerns first and foremost with the person concerned. Where this fails all genuine complaints or concerns about individual members, teachers or daughter societies must be made in writing to the Hon. Sec of the Circle of Brigid. Email with "Ethics" in the subject line: contact.

  • When a letter of complaint is received it should be taken to the Code of Practice sub-committee of the COB members of which are decided by the COB.

  • If it is deemed that there is a case to answer, for example, if it is identified that the person(s) in question have through word or deed, breached the code of Ethics, a meeting will take place between the COB sub-committee and the complainant either in person or through Skype and a copy of the letter will be sent to the member about whom the complaint is made.

  • They will be asked to submit a response to the Hon Sec. within 21 days.

  • On receipt of the response the letter will be forwarded to the complainant for comment.

  • If the complainant is satisfied with the response and if the COB sub-committee considers no further steps are required, the matter is deemed closed.

  • However, should further consideration be required the COB sub-committee will meet to discuss what steps need to be taken.

  • Complaints will be dealt with on a case by case basis and the procedural outcome will reflect the nature of the complaint. If the complaint is upheld the COB may recommend one of the following steps be taken, that the member:

    • be reprimanded
    • be required to give undertakings about future conduct
    • be expelled from the FOI

    These sanctions will be implemented by the Steward of the FOI.

  • Confidentiality and consent are of the utmost importance. In order to be fair to all parties, complaints are accepted for investigation on the basis that the person who submits the complaint will give consent to the use of any relevant information, including confidential information that may arise out of the investigation of the complaint. FOI makes every effort to ensure that, for its part, as few people as possible know about the subject of the complaint or the identity of the parties. The information is given only to the Steward, Hon Sec., and COB. They will treat the information received with the utmost confidentiality.

Olivia Reflects: Introduction for the 21st century manual (FOI Manuals: A Compendium p7.2)
Fellowship of Isis Manifesto (FOI Manuals: A Compendium p2.3)
Ethics within the Fellowship: Statements received from Olivia Robertson Co-Founder FOI: September 22 2013; September 2 2013; August 19 2013; November 29 2012; November 6 2012;4 and November 15 2002. (FOI Manuals: A Compendium, p40.)5

Fellowship of Isis Manifesto

Original Ethics Letters

Letters from the Fellowship of Isis

Guidelines for All Centers

The Circle of Brigid

FOI Manuals: A Compendium

(As received from Minette Quick, Hon. Sec., on behalf of the Circle of Brigid and Cressida Pryor, current Steward of the FOI and Olivia Robertson's successor. Also sent for inclusion in Samhain Isian News.)

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