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The Circle of Brigid Consecrated
Olivia Robertson
May 17, 2004

         On the 8th May 2004, Olivia officially shared her role as host to the many who came for the Beltaine ceremony with members of the new Circle of Brigid - eight members chosen by her and accepted by David and Moira Durdin-Robertson. David being the owner of the Castle, Olivia is Trustee for the Temple of Isis along with David.

         Minette took records of all who attended and who wished to come to future ceremonies. People liked the new structure. Minette, Hon. Secretary offered her gift of Brigid: healing and counselling, along with the Archdruidess Eileen Laurence, and Joan Hartigan, Priestess Hierophant, in the Chapels of the Mothers, Stars and Healing.

         It was particularly pleasant to welcome a new member from Scotland, who had joined and read of the ceremony through the Homepage. He is now able to be in touch with our Lyceum in Scotland.

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