Fellowship of Isis
Fellowship of Isis Central Foundation Center
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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire

Fellowship of Isis Enrollment

© FOI Homepage

The FOI is a multi-faithed, multi-cultural, and multi-religious society that peacefully honors the Goddess in all her forms. The FOI Foundation Center is based in Enniscorthy, Ireland.

To enroll as a new member, you may email the following information - or you may use the enrollment form found at the bottom of this page:

Name (real/legal name please)
Full Postal Address (including country)

By sending us this information, you are agreeing that the following is true:
  • You are 18 years of age or older.*

  • You have read the Manifesto and agree with its principles.

  • You agree to allow the FOI Homepage and/or the FOI Foundation Center to contact you about your membership, including any updates in the future.

  • You have read through all of the special notes below.
Please send this information to the following email address or or use the form found below. We process new members twice per month, so it may take up to two weeks to receive your confirmation. Thank you!

Please type this email address into your mail program.
(type this email address into your mail program)

By sending your email you agree that we may process your information in accordance with the above terms. You may withdraw your information at any time.

Special notes:

*We do not enroll members under the age of 18 through this website. Those under the age of 18 must have a parental signature and permission. Please contact an in-person center in your area:
Center directory

The FOI has a policy of non-affiliation, so groups or organizations as a whole may not enroll. However, individual members are welcomed to join, each first agreeing to the principles of the Manifesto.

Membership in the FOI is for a lifetime, unless you send your resignation in writing. It is not necessary to send updates of your address or email, as the Foundation Center does not keep records past the initial enrollment.

You may also register your animal friends - please include "Animal Family of Isis" along with the name.

For members who have previously resigned, or have had their membership revoked by the Foundation Center, please do not use the form on this page to rejoin. In these instances, members are invited to email, with an explanation of the circumstances. (see email address above)

Join the Fellowship of Isis Form:

Please enter your information in the boxes below. (click on the boxes in the white form and then use your mouse wheel or arrow keys to scroll up and down) IMPORTANT: You must click on the "Submit" button at the very end to send the information. Please use this form for enrollment information only. If you need to communicate with our website, use our
contact page.

If you have previously joined and resigned from the FOI, please do not use the form below - use the email address above with a note of explanation of why you wish to rejoin. We process new members twice per month (1st & 15th), so it may take up to two weeks to receive your confirmation via email. Thank you!

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