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Open Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
Beltaine 1999

Formation of the Archpriesthood Union

            I feel so happy that, after waiting twenty years, I may now share the authority and responsibility of my work with The Fellowship of Isis with the Archpriesthood Union. This revival of the three thousand year-old Isian title had been planned by my brother Lawrence and myself when enough of our Priesthood should qualify. Since my brother departed for Spirit Sphere, I have very frequently been asked: "Who is your successor?" I have always given the same answer: "Every sincere member is my successor!"

            However, now we have over 15,200 members in 93 countries and gain more every day. So FOI needs an authoritative Archpriesthood to protect our spiritual and religious progress in countries where we have members. Such an Archpriesthood will ultimately have the influence of Archbishops - as in the past! May each one of us go forward with creativity and happiness inspired by the starry wings of Isis!

The Archpriesthood Title
Full list of 28th January 1999. 32 is the optimum number.

            This three thousand-year old Isian title is revived to designate those in The Fellowship of Isis whose sphere of influence extends to over a thousands members. During the last twenty years only the Priesthood in Nigeria and Ghana have qualified to use the designation "The Rt. Rev." Now at last we have reached the optimum number to form a successful Union of FOI Custodians. To fill vacancies, new members will be chosen by existing Union members, not by voting but by spiritual guidance and consensus. The Fellowship of Isis has expanded to such an extent, that this global rainbow network is inspired by Isis, to maintain our values of Love, Beauty and Truth far into the coming Space Age.

Please note: As of Samhain 2014, the Foundation Union Triad has been dissolved: See Cressida's Letter

Return to Olivia's Letters

[Article from #92 Beltaine 1999 Isian News.]

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