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Letter from Minette Quick
May 25, 2013

25th May, 2013

Going down to the Temple with Olivia this weekend to take photos of some of the most recent changes she has been making, I was struck by the way light appeared to be shining out of every Shrine. It was as if the energy had increased exponentially over the past few weeks. It was absolutely wonderful and when I mentioned this to Olivia, she said that one of our members had recently described an experience of receiving a surge of power as she entered the Gateway to Brigid’s Well Shrine - and that an image of a Dandelion had arisen in her mind - associated with the energy of Archangel Michael! To my astonishment, the message and the words she used to describe this experience were almost identical to those I had received and recorded from him myself, many years ago! The Dandelion, known to all in this part of the world, its glorious profusion of sunny yellow flowers and multitude of successive globes of winged seed, array every hedgerow, field and ditch in Ireland each spring, and is virtually indestructible!

As Olivia has recently described some of her own mystical experiences with Archangel Michael in Isian News, she has asked me to share this with our Fellowship members.


“Be like the dandelion,” said Archangel Michael, “which strikes its root deep and strong, then throws up its sunny flowers in season, then changes its form miraculously into a globe of winged seed messengers, forming a ball of thistledown, poised for the slightest breath of wind to sail away. Remain ready, remain steady, assured that your time of flight will come, rooted deep with knowledge and confidence that all phases of the life-cycle are equally important and all phases are inherent in all that you do and all that you can become. Who knows where the winged seeds will be blown on the wind? Who knows where the soil will receive the seed? Who knows which way the wind will blow? There is a greater plan and it all depends on how you view it.”

The word ‘Tenacity’ came to mind, together with the image of thistledown, not unlike that of the Dandelion.

© Minette Quick

(Gratitude to Minette for sharing this with our members!)

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