Fellowship of Isis
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orders as no longer relevant or appropriate for our fellowship. Cressida Pryor, Samhain 2014. The Foundation Union TriadThere is no longer an authorized FOI Union Triad. The Archpriesthood, Archdruid, and Grand Commander Unions were dissolved by Cressida Pryor in 2014. Previous information on the Union Triad may be found below, provided on this page for historical purposes only.![]() The Archpriesthood Union The Archpriesthood Union (AU) was created by Olivia Robertson in January of 1999 when the Foundation Center was decentralized. There are 32 positions within the Archpriesthood. This is in alignment with the 32 Magi Degrees and Initiate Levels offered by the Fellowship of Isis. The 33rd position is kept open in honor of AU members who cross the veil to the next world, including the co-founders Olivia, Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson. AU is the ancient term in alchemy for spiritual gold. Olivia Robertson wrote: "The members of the Archpriesthood Union, 32 members in 4 continents, are Custodians to protect and nurture the ideals and activities of the Fellowship of Isis. All are ordained and consecrated as Priestesses and Priests and so are fully conversant with the Liturgy, and all the structures of the Foundation Societies. The ideal Archpriestess or Archpriest is one who is open to the inspiration of Isis, and is available to members for counseling, healing and ideas. A member of the AU is a peace-maker, one who listens." From the original FOI manual: "This ancient Isian designation relates to the scope of work undertaken, involving a thousand or more members." SOI-AU: Olivia Robertson wrote: "8 members of the Archpriesthood Union identified with the 8-pointed Star of the FOI Diagram offer a Consultancy service. Members all over the world requiring information, ideas and help may apply to the AU Star of Isis. Letters to individual members can be sent to their respective Centres, or to the FOI Central Homepage. The number of Star of Isis is limited to 8." In 2003, the "Star of Isis AU" was created by Olivia Robertson from eight members of the Archpriesthood Union in order to function as an advisory board and consultancy service to all Fellowship of Isis members. The number 8 corresponds with the 8-rayed Star within the FOI Cosmic Web. ![]() Archdruid Union & Grand Commander Union While visiting the Isis-Oasis convocation on October 9, 2009, Olivia Robertson formed two more Unions within the Fellowship of Isis: the Archdruid Union and the Grand Commander Union. They apply to the Druid Clan of Dana and the Noble Order of Tara respectively. There are 32 members in each Union, with the 33rd being kept open as per the Archpriesthood Union. DCD Union members are referred to as "Most Reverend", while NOT Union members carry the initials "O.T." after their names. ![]() Olivia Robertson wrote: (November 17, 2009) What we in the Fellowship of Isis believe in, is the ethical reality of the Goddess Faith. We have a Triad of centres which embody the 3 primal Ethics listed in the Manifesto - Love, Beauty and Truth. These are shown forth through the Priesthood, The Druid Clan of Dana, and the Order of Tara. Every member receives inspiration from the Goddess. So how Love, Beauty and Truth are expressed through the Fellowship of Isis depends on Divine Communion expressed in the lives of individuals. I have drawn up my list - which varies with my flow of inspiration! Each of our members may produce their own list. We welcome the global expansion via the Web, but we always need to remember our basic ideals! ![]() © Drawing by Olivia Robertson The Priesthood: Divine Communion. Goodness. Compassion for all that is. Druidry: Spiritual Vision. Creativity. Sacred Arts & Sciences. Protections: Integrity. Courage. Service for the Divine Purpose. The Fellowship of Isis honours the Divine Triad. ![]() Article from Isis-Seshat (reprinted with permission) FOI Triad Structure: Contemplation by Olivia Robertson & Deena Hartray Butta Structure has meaning. And lingering over cups of Earl Grey tea with Lady Olivia can open doorways into many things. One day last October, (2009) Lady Olivia immersed herself in a contemplation of the FOI Triads. Here is what she wrote about the Triads last Autumn in issue #24 of Isis Seshat Journal: “What we in the Fellowship of Isis believe in, is the ethical reality of the Goddess Faith. We have a Triad of centres which embody the 3 primal Ethics listed in the Manifesto - Love, Beauty and Truth. These are shown forth through the Priesthood, The Druid Clan of Dana, and the Order of Tara." This Autumn, she thought some more about this, and we had some conversations about the Triads, and this article, which builds on ideas from last year, is the result. From this structure, which is based on the FOI values of love, beauty and truth, here are some understandings and insights about the roles and purpose of the societies comprising the Triad. LOVE Isis ArchPriest/ess Union AU College of Isis The Priesthood Healing Service Guidance Divine Communion Goodness Compassion For All Etc. BEAUTY Dana ArchDruid/ess Union ADU Druid Clan of Dana Druidry Arts Psychic Ability Psychic Development Spiritual Vision Creativity Sacred Arts & Science Etc. TRUTH Tara Grand Commander Union GCU Noble Order of Tara The Protectors Action Environmental Activism Labor Integrity Moral Courage Active Service for the Earth Etc. The ArchPriest/ess Union embodies the principle of Love. Its acronym, AU, is the symbol for the chemical element Gold. The priests, priestesses, hierophants, ArchPriests, and ArchPriestesses comprise the College of Isis, which is dedicated to serving members of the Fellowship of Isis, and providing caring and guidance of different kinds. The service offered by FOI priests and priestesses is characterized by devotion: to their matron goddess, to a social or spiritual cause or ideal, and to their fellow beings on this planet. They offer their hearts to others; and this can take the form of teaching and guidance. The service of hierophants additionally takes the form of structured studies offered by their lyceums, which is based on FOI liturgies and other writings. As hierophants, they "show the way," guided by the ways of their matron goddess. ArchPriest/esses serve everyone: priests, priestesses, hierophants, and general members. They have been described as being the overall custodians of FOI, who put the wellbeing of FOI above all else. All these kinds of service reflect the Love of the Goddess. The person attracted to the College of Isis is someone who is a teacher, healer, or other kind of helper. They offer their hearts in service to Goddess and mortal alike. The ArchDruid/ess Union embodies the principle of Beauty. The Druid Clan of Dana and its Groves are dedicated to the development of psychic abilities. This kind of inner knowing is related to the kind of knowing that expresses itself through the arts. Traditionally, bards spoke poetically in order to give voice to their deity. Plato had more respect for this kind of art that does not involve manual effort. But in ages succeeding Plato, and in the FOI Groves, all the arts are understood as a vehicle for oracular communications from deity. Whether by words, images, movement, or the physical arrangement and manipulation of surroundings, inspired and intuitive expressions come through the Druid from the Goddess. Beauty is the harmony and balance found in nature throughout the cosmos, and the ArchDruid/ess Union gives expression to that Beauty on many levels. The person who is attracted to the Druid Clan of Dana might be someone who is a seer, a poet, or another kind of artist. They offer their minds and intellects to the Goddess in her service. The Grand Commander Union embodies the principle of Truth. The Noble Order of Tara and its Priories are dedicated to nature in an active, energetic way. The knights, dames, and commanders of the Noble Order of Tara actively work on behalf of the goddess as expressed through the natural environment. They are her knights and ladies, they carry out her missions and directives, and go on her quests. They "walk their talk." Words can be misleading but our bodies never lie. The person attracted to the Noble Order of Tara might prefer action to speech, and wants to offer physical labor work for a cause. They offer their strength and energy to the Goddess in her service. Acronyms also have meaning; and Lady Olivia enjoys discovering their hidden meanings. The names of the deities to whom the branches of the FOI Triads are dedicated, are Isis, Dana, and Tara. The name of Isis can be made into the acronym ISIS, which might stand for Isis Social Immune System. The name Dana is close to the acronym DNA. The name Tara can stand for Truth, Awareness, Recognition, and Action. The acronym for the Fellowship of Isis, FOI, is the same as the French word foi, which means faith. What all of this might communicate can be summarized as Faith and Well Being Through Loving, Knowing, and Being Our True Selves." All Rights Reserved. |