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Audio: Celebration of Spring

Click to hear Part One of the audio, and follow the page down to find Part Two:

Celebration of Spring in Aries - Part I
(MP3 File / 5 minutes / 1MB)

Read the audio text below, with accompanying photos:

Olivia Robertson

© Dennis Murphy, Logic Reality

"I am Olivia Robertson of the Fellowship of Isis. Hold my hand, rise. . . rise and travel back in time to the constellation of Aries, the Sun in Aries. Spring is upon the Earth in Ireland, Inis Fail, Land of Destiny!

You rise into the air and you are in the starry night and you know what the constellation of Aries looks like - a crooked horn - but you cannot see it now because it is in the house of the Sun. You see the Spring constellations. You move now in the air to the land of Eire and you look down at the south-eastern corner and you see a golden light in the early dawn. The Sun has risen, just risen, in the East. There are golden daffodils edging a great avenue of lime trees.

Lime Tree Avenue
Lime Tree Avenue
photo © Ashera (cropped)

A sacred place is enclosed between two rivers, a place blessed by the Deities, struck by a meteor, and psychically you see the glow of this meteor.

A golden light enshrouds trees and a yew walk. Come with me down the yew walk, down a long dark tunnel of trees. And there is light in the end in the East as the Sun is rising.

The Yew Walk
Sunlit Yew Walk
photo © O. Robertson (cropped)

Now you begin to see the source of the light. It is coming from an ancient gray Castle with castellations and from it flies the flag of the Goddess Cybele.

We will rise above the Castle and then float through it, as if it were mist.

Clonegal Castle
Castle with Flag
photo © O. Robertson (cropped/enhanced by this site)

We descend into a Temple of Isis that rambles all over the basement of the Castle. Now the company make procession down nine columns until they assemble before the Shrine of Aries.

Columned Passageway
Columned Passage
photo © Ashera

Shrine of Aries
Shrine of Aries
photo © Minette Quick (cropped)

The company have formed a dance. They are following the serpent dance of Spring! Join them. They are dancing round the columns.

Now they are dancing and they are following a beautiful Maiden of Spring and they are leaving the Temple. They are moving around yew trees. . . join in this dance of Spring. There are lovely flowers: celandine yellow. They dance through some trees. They dance round the Temple of Flora and dance round this and place daffodils in a great stone basin of water.

The Garden Belvedere
To the Garden Belvedere
photo © O. Robertson (cropped)

Olivia Offers Flowers
Olivia offers flowers
photo © O. Robertson (cropped)

Imagine yourself putting Spring flowers in a stone basin of water in an open Temple of Flora. . .dance. . . dance. . .as you do so, feel the fire, which is beautiful, it is gold sunlight through your body, coursing through you. Feel this life flow, which is linking you with all beings: as you do that, you feel a happiness that is being without thought or worry or apprehension, for you are happy NOW.

Click to listen to Part Two:

Celebration of Spring in Aries - Part II
(MP3 File / 5 minutes / 1MB)

And this serpent dance is slowly bringing them back through the columned entrance in the south-east into the Temple . . follow them.

Temple Portico
Temple Portico
photo © O. Robertson (cropped)

Now they are moving round the Temple; round the Well; round the Crystal Chapel; round the Chapel of the Mothers; round the Healing Chapel, with its colored bottles. See yourself dancing around a magic Temple with many chapels.

The Well Chapel of Brigid
Healing Well
© M.Q. (cropped)

Chapel of Ishtar
Crystal Chapel
© M.Q. (cropped)

Cave of the Mothers
Cave of the Mothers
© M.Q. (cropped)

The Healing Chapel
Isis Healing Chapel
photo © O. Robertson (cropped)

Now we look around and we see the beautiful auras of all those present that make a rainbow circle. What are the company doing? And their hands are held aloft and they are creating a rainbow network around the Castle, around Ireland, throughout the Earth. . . the names of Iseums. . . the names of members. . . the names of all creatures are Blessed.

Let us surround the whole Earth with a Rainbow of Glory, for the Earth is in reality, glorious; as we do that a small difference is made. We have made that difference. The Golden Age is beginning to return, as the flowers show themselves in Spring and lands are born. . .

Springtime entrance to Old Abbey
Springtime Entrance to Abbey
photo © O. Robertson

Slowly the company draw down their hands and now their intention is to call upon the Stars of Aries to spread this Glory with Love for All. Now we see what the company are doing - they're all turned outwards in a circle and are sending out Good to all the Four Quarters starting at the north-east and working round in the path of the Sun. And a Priestess says: "Companions, let us make a plan of how we may bring the Golden Age back to our Earth, Gaia."

You too make your plan, with all this energy, what you can do in your little bit of Earth.

You feel the ceremony is drawing to a close. As the company begin to give thanks, they begin to look a little indistinct, as if we were seeing spirits. And as we do this, we begin to rise above the Temple and look down at the company as they coil out of the Temple the way they came. As we rise higher, we see that they are ascending into the Castle itself. But we are rising into the sky and the Sun is blazing fully. It is now the rising Sun of Spring shining down upon the trees, the golden daffodils, a touch of bluebells, primroses. . .

Castle with Spring Daffodils
Springtime Entrance to Castle
photo © O. Robertson (cropped/enhanced)

We rise higher and see the sacred place as enclosed by two rivers and it's surrounded now by a rainbow aura induced by the ceremony, which is spreading itself in wider and wider ripples and it has reached you! But you were there - but are you? My friend, this is not your time and place.

Bring with you this rainbow about you and come back to your own time and place - my future - your present . . . return. . . "

The Cosmic Web of the Universe

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Copyright Notice: The photos on this website have been generously donated by the Durdin-Robertson family and FOI friends. They are always credited by name when we know who took the photo, otherwise they are noted as "copyright Olivia Robertson", who provided them. Many have been cropped and digitally enhanced by this website. Please do not reproduce. All copyrights reserved. Thank you.

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