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Pamela Durdin-Robertson

Photo of Pamela Durdin-Robertson
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            Pamela Mary Durdin-Robertson was born on February 14, 1923 into a Scottish banking family. Her parents were Major and Mrs. Maurice Barclay. Pamela's family were Quakers, and descended directly from Elizabeth Fry, the English Quaker prison and social reformer from the 1800’s. Pamela was clairvoyant and able to deeply connect and communicate with Nature from childhood.

            Pamela married Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in 1948 and together, they had three daughters and one son.

            In 1963, Pamela, Lawrence and his sister, Olivia Robertson, formed the Huntington Castle Centre for Meditation and Study. Together, they later founded Fellowship of Isis in 1976.

            It was Pamela who emphasized the importance in recognizing all aspects of Nature within the Fellowship of Isis – animals, plants and minerals. Pamela, along with Lawrence, also felt it was vitally important to dedicate the Fellowship to the Goddess.

            Pamela crossed into spirit sphere in 1987. The following passage is from Olivia Robertson’s book, The Call of Isis, about Pamela's unique relationship to Nature. (Pamela’s name in this book is “Valentine.”):

            “Valentine can physically communicate with plants and flowers. Curiously enough, she finds it more embarrassing to talk about this, than to describe seeing human spirits. Plant communication has the association of 'twee' children's stories, of 'Tinker Bell', and of 'Feyness'. For all I know serious Professors, Brigadiers and School-mistresses may go into their gardens and have long conversations with trees and flowers; but rather naturally do not mention it. Only children of under seven are allowed to use 'the daffodil telephone'. It is certain Russian and American scientists now who are bringing this psychic faculty into good repute, by experiments suggesting that plants respond to our thoughts. Hundreds of people have known this all their lives.

            “I asked Valentine to tell me about her conversations, and what trees and plants were like in character. Was she certain she was not in actuality conversing with nature spirits tending the plants? She said she could communicate with nature spirits occasionally, but that she could converse directly with flowers and plants.

            "I can't talk to the cultivated ones in the garden, she said. They don't talk to me, though perhaps they do among themselves. It's the wild flowers that talk.

            "In actual words?

            "I hear them in words. For instance, yesterday I heard a tiny little call coming to me from the end of a field. I was going in to lunch, but I had to find who was calling ... She wanted to be looked at. Finally I found her, a tiny little dog-violet plant at the wild end of the hedge at the bottom of the field. Some flowers talk in verse. These ones are very moral; They like telling people to be good. The May Trees though are wild and gay and untidy. The dog- violets are more natural and jolly, and the purple ones are quite different and shy. Gorse bushes are proud and glorious.

            "I did see a dog-violet fairy a short while ago. She wore a gown just like a flower, and she was saying something about being happy and how gloriously happy the spring is. How perfect everything is. I don't often see tree fairies. Last autumn though, in the wild wood, I saw a hazel-nut boy. He had curly brown hair and was very funny. He didn't really like people coming, but he said he liked the children gathering his nuts. But he mostly liked the red squirrels coming and taking his nuts. I haven't seen the squirrels, but I'm sure they come.

            "I guessed that Valentine could communicate with flowers easily on the earth plane because she lived very much in the present. She said she never even thought, let alone worried, when she went for a walk across the fields. She needed no arranged séance or meditations. She was part of nature herself.”

Read the Entire Call of Isis Booklet

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Olivia Robertson Biography

Lawrence Durdin-Robertson Biography

(This article was written for the FOI Homepage Archive from the notes and direct input from Olivia Robertson and is also included in the book "Fellowship of Isis Manuals, A Compendium", copyright reserved.)

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