Fellowship of Isis
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Olivia Robertson Letters re: the FOI HomepageWe are grateful for the ongoing support that Olivia always expressed for the FOI Homepage:"The central world-wide Homepage is vital for the presentation of the Fellowship of Isis in our twenty-first century global community. People are awakening to various spiritual and psychic gifts that often perplex the more materially-minded folk amongst whom they live and work. Our Homepage provides a rainbow network that lucidly explains the unexplainable! One needs to attune to Isis in order to experience Her many-faceted Star-Light, warmly glowing in the matriarchal cloak of Outer Space. Joining FOI is to join a family, linked through empathic telepathy, language of our new Aeon of Aquarius. Olivia Robertson 15th March, 2000" 1 ![]() "Think of all those who appreciate all you have done and are doing now for FOI! My family do like your Homepage - so clear and well set out. Too often people criticize and do not give thanks. So here to usher in 2008 accept my own warm and loving thanks for all you do for F.O.I. It is internationally appreciated. Lots of Love and Blessings of ISIS. Olivia." 2 (Dec. 4, 2007) ![]() On December 1st, 2008, the FOI Homepage manager requested an emergency sabbatical from all public work due to a unexpected increase in family responsibilities. It was at her request and Olivia's subsequent acceptance that the Homepage then added the word "archive" to the end of its name. The pages were redirected to a sister-site so that members could still access its information, with the permission of FOI co-founder, Olivia Robertson. The Homepage was never taken completely offline. Olivia wrote: "I received your letter yesterday. I am deeply sorry about the illness of your mother and father and your own upset. I of course understand why you give up the Homepage which was so brilliant. I was particularly upset as I had just finished my "Reflections" for Isian News 131. I do so like your enjoying my writing and especially your encouragement for my art work and all my other ideas over the years. I do hope you will distribute your elegantly produced Isian News 130 until I produce the Brigantia issue on February 1st. I'd value some copies as I wrote. Only one now. I feel that the publications, tapes, files, etc. as you describe could continue with a link from the Homepage site so we don't lose those who loved your Homepage. Love and Blessings of ISIS. Thank you for all you have done. Olivia" 3 (Dec. 2, 2008) "Many thanks for your letter. I am so happy the photos and my publications are still online. With every Blessing for you and your family for 2009. Olivia" 4 (Jan. 5, 2009) The FOI Homepage resumed active status in January of 2010 at the request and authorization of Olivia Robertson. The Homepage manager asked that the word "archive" be retained, as it best illustrated the original and ongoing objective for this website - to preserve the information and work as originating from the FOI Foundation Center and its founders. "What a useful - splendid - idea - to put all back on the original site - but under the heading FOI Homepage Archive. Please go ahead with all my support and blessings of Isis. i do agree about avoiding a flood of email! I haven't any - peace. Minette who does like her computer will of course continue to include you in all news notices. Thank you from my heart for your tribute to Lawrence's work! He is still helping! Blessings for the New Aeon - starting at 2010. Olivia" 5 (Jan. 18, 2010) ![]() ![]() "By all means publish this. 3rd Day of Eleusinian Mysteries, 2010 Spring - 3rd February 2010 I congratulate you on the clear, valuable and essential archives you present - it is what the Fellowship of Isis requires for those searching for elucidation as to the Liturgy, Degree systems, the Priesthood, the Druid Clan of Dana and the Noble Order of Tara. What you do is to present a bedrock of archival information which in no way is in contradiction to the valuable contributions of our other global centres. You have of course permission to use the printed material of my brother and myself and can provide these to those who wish to use the FOI archives going back so far in the last century. It is good to note that the Animal Family of Isis is included as usual in our Manifesto, our ethical dedication to the Goddess ISIS. 6 & 7 Blessings of Isis on the Homepage Archive, Olivia (Robertson) Co-Founder, F.O.I." ![]() "Yes, do continue peacefully as you are now with [the] Archive Directory. I am happy with what you DID and now DO! I am so happy the site is as popular as ever - the photo gallery and art gallery work mean a lot to me - I am really a clairvoyant visual person! It is great people join via your Web. Do develop it as you feel fit. Lots of Love and Blessings, Olivia" 8 (July 2010) She also wrote : "I admire your website and respect all the hard work that went into it." and, "Your Web Homepage is so fully appreciated all over the earth now! Love & Blessings of Isis, Olivia" (Nov. 2010) "I've written email via Minette. I am absolutely delighted with the book covers. So I am all for converting everything to the softbound format. Amazon has prestige and I like their work. I want to be on Amazon, which will remove interest in illegal books! The family are delighted with the book covers. It lasts well. Love from Olivia. Have a good Spring. 20/5/13" 10 (May 2013) ![]() Return to Home Return to the About Page ![]() All Rights Reserved. |