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Open Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
Lughnasadh 2001

          I marvel at the moral courage of our members and all who follow new age beliefs and practices! Obviously the main-stream orthodox Establishment, whether religious or political, has the right of way. Few of us can endure confrontation with employers, friends and family. Therefore we naturally form ourselves into protection groups. There we feel safe from ridicule - criticism - condemnation.

          However, we have a very human difficulty. We may avoid arguments with our fellow workers and relatives. But the temptation is to become tribal about our special Orders and Circles.

          I feel we in FOI can help to bring harmony between various alternative beliefs. The Pagan Federation and those in the ecumenical movement are striving for this harmony. There is fun in "having fun", but not in making fun of others; not as a habit! We cannot drink salt water. What we lovers of the Goddess can do is what any mother does in a family. We can try to draw out what is special in each person, and not dwell on their faults. People laugh at the partiality of mothers for their often repulsive offspring. But let us realise that mothers act for the Great Mother. So we like them can bring harmony among even seemingly irreconcilable enemies. The secret of Isis is how to turn enemies into friends.

Return to Olivia's Letters

[Article from #101 Lughnasadh 2001 Isian News.]

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