Open Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
Lughnasad 2000
New Structures for the NOT and DCD
The Druid Clan of Dana and the Noble Order of Tara have up to the present been mainly run on the Oral Tradition - including Initiations and Designations. However, with the increase of Dana Groves and Tara Priories in many countries, written information and courses are required.
Too many members of the F.O.I. have been put off joining the Clan or Order because they are not Celtic or follow the Celtic Way. They do not realise that there are Dana Druidesses and Druids in Japan, and Tara Dames and Knights in Nigeria.
The F. 0. I. Liturgy has been designed to provide a bridge joining world traditions, including the Druid, Shaman and other paths. Dana and Tara are for everybody. No one needs to feel left out.
The Druid Clan of Dana is both Shaman and mystical. The 4 Initiations bring the Designations: "Bards", "Druids and Druidesses", "Herenachs", and "Archdruids and Archdruidesses" who administer the Groves. The F. 0. I. Liturgy uniting courses are the 12 mystical rites from Fortuna and the Dana Initiation Ceremony (booklet).
The Noble Order of Tara involves active work for the environment. The 4 Initiations bring the Designations of "Knights and Dames", "Lords and Ladies of the Grael", "Knight and Dame Commanders", and the "Grand Knight and Grand Dame Commanders" who administer the Priories. The 12 vitality conferring rites which unite the courses are from Melusina and "Tara & Lugh, the Ordeal of the Danaan Treasures" (Gaea booklet).
There are those who enjoy gatherings in Groves and Priories, and follow the oral tradition. Each one of us has our own individual star.
Background Information on Structures
Noble Order of Tara
Druid Clan of Dana

[Articles from #97 Lughnasad 2000 Isian News.]
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