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![]() photo © M.Quick Reflections on A Vision Play Audio Transcript: "All of us wonder what it's like to be born again in the Spirit World. We come from that world of rainbow beauty, Tir na nOg. We return to that world when we die. But some of us, like the Swans of Lir, at night, and especially at the Winter Solstice and at Samhain and the Celtic festivals, we walk between two worlds. . . we enter that mysterious world of Vision. I myself am going to be 90 in two years, so I especially wanted to make a rainbow bridge between the people I once met as a very young girl, especially AE, Sage of Ireland, the great visionary, who saw the Gods and Goddesses of ancient Ireland as Shining Beings in the sky, and W.B. Yeats, and all these people - they're so many of them that I knew then and it was a golden age. But, it was a golden twilight, not the golden dawn they hoped for. All that high hope had really began to be destroyed in 1914 when a whole generation was wiped out and an empire saw itself in shatters, every hope going. So more and more wretched and rather gloomy materialism set in, which I remember. I went to the war, but with the red cross on me as a nurse and saw a man weeping because they were going to cut his leg off the next day in hospital. I saw the tragedy of it, a whole world divided. Where was this wonderful dream that AE prophesied would happen, when people would once more appreciate his poetry and his vision? Now, I myself, never quite believed in all that stuff, you see? I worked with my father really for forty years, who was a town planner and architect and I didn't really believe in all of these sort of Gaelic people floating around in robes or vision, because I had my own Druid - Daniel Fox, who lived by the banks of the Slaney. And, he really saw, and I believed in his visions of the people in ancient days. They all sounded rather real.
I remember I said, 'what sort of clothes do they wear?'
And I said, 'what work do they do?'
And I thought - we didn't do very much, anyway - and I said, 'do they worship - what do they worship'?
And I said, 'do they do sacrifices?' But he did initiate me into the mysteries because he introduced me to a holy well. I really believed Daniel Fox. I suppose because he'd been out in Egypt, with General Allenby and could interest and entertain my brothers and me. But when I was alone with him, I wanted to hear about 'Them.' And he was a bit reluctant to talk about 'Them'. And this I wanted to know more than all the interesting people wearing white powder on their heads galloping around when the river ran a different course, all that part reincarnated - no, I wanted to hear about 'Them'. And he told me and from then on I felt there was a sort of blue haze on the mountains and perhaps one could walk through, but I was incapable of doing so. And the priests got worried - we were protestants - but they were very kind, they were worried for our souls and they came and told my mother, that our mother must look after her dear children and not go and visit this, sort of wild man. They even said his name was false. He'd rescued a fox being hunted by the hounds - he locked them in his farmyard. 'Well done him', I thought. But, later on, in 1946 I found that I had the same gift as AE of seeing the Shining Ones, the Sidhe, ancient Gods and Goddesses. It was all latent, I think possibly in my Robertson blood from northern Scotland, though I had Grogan blood, related to Cornelias Grogan, the famous rebel. I had that in me. It didn't come out in the others, except my brother Lawrence. Lawrence and I had what they called 'the gift'. And this gift really awakened in me the glory of life - there is no death. Life is everlasting. And with Dana, the Goddess Dana, I saw her with beautiful golden hair like buttercups and wearing this deep blue robe. The year 2000, I saw the Goddess Brigid, with her hair cut in petals, some call it hearts when they see in America, wearing white and showing me the power of sonics. But sonics can actually affect atoms and alter our bodies, and alchemy. ![]() ![]() (Goddesses Dana & Brigid by Olivia Robertson) But I especially wished to share things, so my brother and I founded the Fellowship of Isis for the Goddess in all religions. We honor the God, but we felt the Divine Feminine needed to be honored. And so now we have nearly 24,000 members in 98 countries, multi-cultural, multi-racial, which is important - multi-religious, and we also like animals. We accept animals to join, their friends sign them on and communicate with animals psychically. But I didn't seem to be making much headway in Ireland, until suddenly I thought, 'well, why not'? And we started our own theater in the Old Mill House. First we used it just for family banquets and things and then the glorious idea came that at the Winter Solstice I'd write a play and I could introduce Vision to people - of the ordinary people - not people who belonged to the Fellowship who were interested in say, in Tolkien or Rowling, or somebody, but people who could pay and come in and listen. And there was one bridge - culture. Culture-vultures honor the name of Yeats. They never heard of AE, they vaguely know about the Crock of Gold, but there was one name even more important than Yeats. Not the name Fiona Macleod, but his wonderful story, the amazing play by William Sharp . . . The Immortal Hour. There, doesn't that do something for you? it does. The Immortal Hour. We put it on, it was a great success and I felt guided that this was the time when we could offer our rendering of my play. But this is for people who are sitting out, we have members in Japan now, they adore Yeats. People all over are really a fan of Yeats. So we want this for people who can't actually come to our theater." ![]() ![]() (This page was uploaded on April 10, 2017.) All Rights Reserved. |