Open Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
Beltaine 2001
It is with happiness and excitement that I welcome our twenty-fifth anniversary of the foundation of the Fellowship of Isis! The expansion of FOI through goodwill of fellow new-age societies, word of mouth, various groups, individuals, and now the vast World Wide Web network is bringing the widespread Wings of Isis to more and more people. It is exhilarating to welcome so many new members from so many lands.
However I personally am both elated and astonished at the sudden popularity of the FOI Special Projects. I expect like my fellow visionaries who are more at home with stars rather than facts, I admired so much the admirable good works performed by dedicated men and women. Anyone who listens to appeals for various charitable societies must feel like this: "I'm not doing anything much. I find committees boring. These do-gooders disapprove of "our sort." Yet they are doing the work of the Goddess, though they have either never heard of Her or disapprove, vaguely connecting Goddesses with pagan orgies or pop stars.
So I tried to work out what I wanted. That was simple. Like us all, I wished to help everybody including animals. But how to set about it? How to make it interesting? How to make it fun? How to create beauty rather than dowdiness associated with "do-gooders."
Then the solution came to me from Isis. Our ceremonies and private visions give us all the beauty, inspiration and help we need! A committee can be an Iseum: our helpers can be of a supernatural sort. By involving ourselves in the mundane we can bring into harmony heaven and earth: men and women: the high and the low: black and white: ecstasy and commonsense. What a glorious new Millennium we shall enjoy!

From personal correspondence 10th April, 2001:
"Yes, I feel 'Helpers of Isis' is truly inspired. I'm getting new Projects each week by true enthusiasts. After all, what is the point of ceremonies, etc. if they don't lead to useful activities. People will judge FOI not on our titles, robes, rites, but what we DO for others. Not everyone can write books. There has in the new age movement been too much 'Power,' too little Service. Administrator means to Minister."
22nd March, 2001:
"I was so struck by your "In Her Name" as letting people KNOW we are inspired by HER that I wish to change the name of special projects to: - Helpers of Isis. (H.O.I. - Horus - Osiris - Isis!) This explains what we believe in - the Goddess helps."

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[Article from #100 Beltaine 2001 Isian News.]
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