Open Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
Beltaine 2000
The Language of the New Aeon
The world is hypnotised by the all-prevading communications through the Internet. We think we have the knowledge of the ages presented through our nimble fingers. But without spiritual progress we face the dead end of technology, without finding Deity or our own souls. Heaven recedes and dullness envelops us.
However, we in the Fellowship of Isis are beginning to discover an incoming cosmic language! When we attune ourselves beyond our physical sense at dawn and dusk, we are learning to commune with the beautiful spheres of the Goddesses and Gods. By inducing a serene and kindly mind, wishing good to all, we receive transmissions from beyond our own Egos. Protected by an aura of Isian Light, we commune with each other, Spirit Guides, angels, and above all, ISIS of 10,000 Goddesses and Their Consorts. There is a cosmos out there awaiting us.
The language of the New Aeon transcends both space and time and reaches into our own eternal Essence. Not through intellectual argument but through associative symbols is our way. A flower, a bird, a tree, a star form octaves of reality that tranmit the spiral of ever-widening spheres of eternity. A delightful expression of this cosmic language of mind-feeling is through the Arts. To give a lecture on the Goddess Hathor may promote ridicule. Why worship a Cow Goddess? But to dance or chant as Hathor brings Her immediate Presence. It is not for nothing that statues were banned by puritanical Patriarchy. Zealots even smashed the faces of statues, lest they should hear, see and speak.
And so they do, being now reborn by ourselves!
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[Article from #96 Beltaine 2000 Isian News.]
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