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Open Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
Brigantia 2001

          More than ever I am beginning to appreciate the full benefits of sharing responsibilities for the FOI with the Archpriesthood Union. But the time has come to call upon other members to help in this process.

          My brother Lawrence and I ran many worthwhile Goddess projects, going accounts and lists of these in each issue of Isian News. After his passing I continued the work, until the expansion of our membership made that task impossible. These now neglected enterprises include Goddess World Wood, Goddess World Wells, the network of our members' shrines and temples, and full descriptions of members' spiritual experiences. Members of AU have helped, but now FOI has expanded beyond the possibility of including various services.

          What Lawrence and I did for so long needs to be carried on by others. So now I suggest a FOI International network run by administrators. These need not be of the Priesthood. The services they offer will be described in Isian News. So this issue is dedicated to this new and useful development. After the relevant ritual, I shall introduce our first Special Projects Centre of this network. It is the important Post for Prisoner Service, the administrator being the Rev. Levanah Morgan, Prs. H.

Return to Olivia's Letters

[Article from #99 Brigantia 2001 Isian News.]

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