Letter from Olivia Robertson
Co-Founder, FOI
January, 2008
The Muses Symposium
If you study textbook history of humanity, it consists of political warfare. Study religious history, and you have the same: duality resulting in violence and cruelty. The good has to be rescued from persecution, tribalism and territorial conflicts.
But when I did my university course in Art History – harmony prevailed! Artists did not murder each other – impressionists versus academicians – oil painters versus sculptors! Nowhere did I find intolerance resulting in violence. Disputes, yes.
Therefore The Muses Symposium was inspired by the Muses, Goddesses of Arts and Crafts, for members who wish to write, not using email, who paint, and sculpt, and do gardening, who write poetry and tell stories and draw. Whenever I write and paint and act and dance – I was very cheerful Hula Dancing – I am happy NOW. Not yesterday – tomorrow, but NOW. Now is forever.
So members in any country who wish to contact other artists and writers – who wish to avoid disputes, rivalry – they may wish to contact like-minded people through the Muses Symposium by correspondence.
To join you can write to Deena Butta* AU, who produces brilliant FOI ceremonies in Chicago, and Estara T’shirai AU, who loves Fairies and knows their language. They are c/o Deena, Isis Seshat Magazine, Chicago, IL, USA. No, I won’t give phone, email or fax! There are other ways. There is Rev. Vincent Akpabio, father of a brilliant “Indigo” child, POB 14949 Kano, NG 700213 Kano State, Nigeria. From Ghana there is Professor A.E. Affari AU, who has valuable information drawn from his deep studies of African religion. His address is “Isis of the Mysteries”, P.O. Box 8542 Accra North, Ghana. Mother Beatrice Okoekwe AU, of the Lyceum of the Cosmic Isis, gives an Indian-African perspective to the Faiths of Africa, from Amaseri, P.O. Box 541 Aba State, Afikpo, Nigeria. For those who desire a wide knowledge and practice of Gaelic Mysteries, they could apply to Swami Prem Sudheer, AU, a Scot who writes of the Celtic Mysteries and works them with Anne Marie Beaucoline, at their Lyceum of Brighid, 166 Rullion Rd., Penicuik, Scotland.
That is good enough to get on with! Good luck! We artists and writers and musicians create a Rainbow Bridge of Harmony from earth to heaven, and from heaven to earth, from brightest White to deepest Indigo.
*It is with sadness that we convey the Rt. Rev. Deena Butta has passed to spirit sphere on January 27, 2013.
We convey our thanks to Archdruidess Minette Quick for forwarding this message from Olivia.
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