Spring Equinox Festival
March 22, 2014
By: Minette Quick
Members of the Circle of Brigid and all our regular FOI Members were delighted to welcome Cressida Pryor to preside at our Vernal Equinox Festival on Saturday 22nd March. We were also delighted that so many people came along to join us and we all took the opportunity to meet and greet everyone in the Theatre which was nice and warm on a cold but lovely bright day which was also extremely welcome after the monumental rains and winds we have had these last few months.
Having processed through the grounds of the Castle, where members of DCD and NOT invoked Deity at the Druid Grove and Abbey, Persephone's was also invoked at her Gate into the Temple and the company came into the Temple and gathered at the Well for Blessings. On this occasion it was lovely to have several newly Ordained priestesses present from The Three Mothers Lyceum, trained by Cait Branigan and Deirdre Wadding. So at Cressida's request two of them were invited to step forward and bless the water which they did with great beauty and dedication, and after the remaining priesthood had stepped forward to invoke, they also gave the individual blessings to everyone present.
At the High Altar, Cressida again welcomed everyone present and Invoked Isis. It was a great privilege to us to be able to have her with us when she is able to come over to Ireland, and get to know her on a personal as well as a ceremonial level. The Fellowship is in excellent hands for the future, of that we are assured.
We had a beautiful Oracle from the Goddess Lakshmi, and songs, poems and a deeply peaceful guided journey from Cait Branigan. This was followed by a Mystery Play enacted by members of the priesthood representing the Goddess Danu as the ancient mother of winter who having carried the burdens of that long cold season, hands on her task to the rising Goddess of Spring, Persephone. Olivia loved Mystery Plays and as we watch the seasons go by and honour her memory in continuing this tradition, it enriches our experience and brings them to life for us all, whether we are new to the Fellowship or have been members for longer.
We completed the main ceremony with another excellent poem from a member of the priesthood. It should be mentioned that the poems that have been offered on these occasions are all the work of those offering them, and show a great depth of understanding which is wonderful and uplifting. After this a short chant to the words "Brigid light the Path for us, show us the Way!" was sung by everyone. Notices were given and thanks offered to Deity, after which the customary short healing and counselling sessions were offered to those who wished to receive them. We all then repaired to Osborne's for tea and good company amongst old and new friends. It had been an excellent day altogether.
Our thanks to Minette, Cressida, Cait. and all of the members of the Circle of Brigid for sharing their Spring ritual.

© M.Q.
High Altar of the Fellowship of Isis
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