Lughnasad Festival at the Foundation Center
July 26, 2014
By: Minette Quick

Foundation Center Temple High Altar © M.Q.
Presented by Members of the Priesthood & Circle of Brigid
A lovely programme had been planned and we were delighted to welcome
Cressida Pryor, the Fellowship’s Steward to be with us again.
We also had some special visitors from Sweden who brought great joy to the occasion as they had asked a member of the priesthood to celebrate a hand-fasting ceremony for them in the Temple before the main ceremony, which I was privileged to witness and found very moving.
The weather which had been extremely hot and humid during the week was cool and inviting and though showers had been forecast, we were able to sing and process the familiar route beneath the famous Yew Walk, on down through the grounds invoking first Dana in the Druid’s Grove, then Tara in Her Abbey, followed by an invocation by her priestess of Persephone - who guards the Garden Gate to the Temple, but now looks out over the gardens from her tall and secure plinth from inside her shrine. Perhaps she is determined to stay in our hearts with us throughout the whole year from now on!
Entering the Temple the atmosphere was most beautiful due to the dedicated work of members of the priesthood who have loved giving it care over these past months. We are committed to continue with this work which will offer welcome and blessing to all who come to Huntington to visit it during the year and enjoy the tours of the Castle and grounds, which are offered in both summer and winter months now. For information see the website www.huntingtoncastle.com
Invocations to Deity and the Blessings of the Goddess were given to all who were gathered at Brigid’s Well; and there was a natural focus upon the riches of the ripening time of Lughnasad in this hemisphere. It was good to see some of our Irish members back home for a brief visit from abroad or from important ventures elsewhere in Ireland.
A heart-rending Oracle from the Goddess Isis was given in Her Temple by her priestess. “You are all Gods” she cried and begged us to be aware of where thinking ill of others in our daily lives can lead. It is a source of great sorrow to her that so many of her children’s lives, both young and old, are being destroyed in the world at this time. She asked that we step back and realise that all conflict is essentially illusion and has no meaning from where she stands, and that peace is really possible when it starts in our own hearts.
This was quite a wake-up call, and it was clearly true, and during a most beautiful Journey offered by David to the sounds of an enchanting oriental piece of music, we all entered a most peaceful and rich inner world and realised how blessed we were to be able to experience it in such a protective and supportive atmosphere together.
Amongst other gentle and delightful offerings was an Eastern Chant in which those who knew it could join, and Monica and Anna read us some of their beautiful and evocative poetry. This led us to the Mystery Play as it was also the time of Opet, celebrated in the Ancient Egyptian calendar by the Pharaoh and his Queen accompanying the statue of the Sun God in a barge on the Nile to Karnak and back to ensure a good harvest. This was played out under the direction of Anna by Luke and Alison, and was very much enjoyed by all.
I had been in touch with Linda to send our condolences to the Circle of Isis on the loss of their much loved Arch-Priestess Loreon Vigne of Isis Oasis in California on July 17th; and she sent me a delightful little poem by Loreon, which plays on the name of Isis with a great sense of fun. So I took the liberty of sharing it. We are glad to hear that our sister centre, Isis Oasis, will continue to serve their community and indeed the whole region as both Loreon had hoped for the future, with the blessing and involvement of her family in the inspiring programme of events which are held there on a regular basis.
After the usual announcements, thanks were given to Deity, and healing/counselling sessions offered by the priesthood to those who wished to receive them, and the company repaired as usual to the newly-refurbished Osborne’s in the Village for our customary spread to enjoy each other’s company and rest awhile before setting off home.
Minette Quick
(Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid)
Our loving thanks to Minette for sending her report of the festival and to all members of the Circle of Brigid and the FOI Priesthood of Clonegal Castle.
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