Fellowship of Isis
Online Liturgy By Degree System
Dea: the first FOI Liturgy book as it evolved through the years
The Liturgy books on this page have been listed as they correspond to each FOI Society's degree system and initiation structure. The FOI Liturgy was included on this website in 1999 with Olivia Robertson's permission and includes the original rites as first published by the Foundation Center. All rites are presented as originally written; any alterations were at the author's request. If you wish to find a specific book quickly, please go to this link instead: Liturgy Listed Alphabetically
Or, you may also search for a specific rite here: Search this site
To order FOI books in paperback format, see the: Online Bookstore
Please note: The Fellowship of Isis Liturgy and other works by Olivia Robertson and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson are copyright protected and are not in the public domain. They may not be reproduced online or in book form.
Any Rite which invokes Deity or Deities through a Mystery Religion - that which deals with the Unknown - has effect throughout all levels and on the earth itself. Throughout the ages people of varying cultures have learned to commune with those from other spheres: we need all the knowledge, understanding and good feeling we can obtain, in order that we may live here in peace with each other and with all creatures; and obtain happiness and wisdom in the spheres beyond 'death'. (Olivia Robertson, Dea, Rites & Mysteries of the Goddess)
(scroll down if links do not work)
Listed By Degree System:
Spiral of the Adepti - Iseum Liturgy
College of Isis - Lyceum Liturgy
Spiral of Alchemy - Priesthood Liturgy
Noble Order of Tara Liturgy
Druid Clan of Dana Liturgy
Other Related Materials
"The Call of Isis" by Olivia Robertson
"Isis of Fellowship, How the Fellowship of Isis was Founded" (foreword)
"A Vision", A Mystery Play by Olivia Robertson (pdf)
"Juno Covella" Calendar by Lawrence Durdin Robertson
Books by Lawrence Durdin-Robertson
Prayers of the Fellowship of Isis
Maya, Goddess Rites for Solo Use
Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess
The Many Voices of Isis, Oracles of Alchemy
Original FOI Handbook: html format - pdf format
Original COI Manual: html format - pdf format
FOI Liturgie auf Deutsch
FOI Liturgia en Espaņol
FOI Liturgia in Italiano
Purchase FOI Books
Spiral of the Adepti
Iseum Liturgy
The indicated rites below are used by members studying with FOI Iseums in order to obtain Initiate Levels. Please substitute the title "Adept" for "Priest/ess" and "Pr/s. Hierophant" in these rites.
College of Isis
Lyceum Liturgy
The indicated rites below are used by members studying with FOI Lyceums in order to obtain Magi Degrees.
Spiral of Alchemy
Priesthood Liturgy
The indicated rites below are used by FOI Priest/esses in order to obtain Alchemical Degrees. Certain rituals reflect the Spiral of Alchemy titles at the request of the author.
Noble Order of Tara Liturgy
The indicated rites below are used by members studying with NOT Priories in order to obtain Initiations. An additional set of Melusina rituals reflect the Noble Order of Tara titles at the request of the author.
Druid Clan of Dana Liturgy
The indicated rites below are used by members studying with DCD Groves in order to obtain Initiations.
Note about the Homepage's online Liturgy: The Fellowship of Isis Liturgy was originally uploaded to this website in 1999, and subsequently made available in both .html and .pdf formats. In 2002, the Liturgy author, Olivia Robertson, requested that the online rituals reflect the originals, first written and published by her via Cesara Publications from the original FOI newsletter, produced by the Castle Foundation Center. This was done, and at the same time, misprints corrected. Any other alterations were also done at Olivia's request. Each online book includes full cover art, illustrations, introductions and rituals.
Copyright Note: The FOI Liturgy on this website is copyright protected. Copying the Liturgy text or pages to another website or publication, is prohibited. Printing of individual rites by FOI members for their personal and group ritual use is encouraged and allowed.
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