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2017 Winter SolsticeFOUNDATION CENTRE - IRELAND December 16, 2017 At this special time the Castle was in full and delightfully decorative Festive mode, with a pen of sheep in the Yard and a lovely programme of events for children and their parents. And in the Theatre, a huge Christmas tree stood beside an extensive and utterly magical Vintage Italian nativity scene, all in miniature. Nowadays many Castle events are hosted here, in the place where for many years Olivia directed us all in many an impromptu Mystery Play! So it was a treat to gather briefly to speak of the annual celebrations which mark the 'Rebirth of the Light' in so many different traditions worldwide, before setting off in procession around the grounds, which despite warnings of ice and rain, had mercifully remained fairly dry underfoot. Many people have to travel considerable distances to be with us, but the essential thread of connection with this place of peace is still strong and intact. It continues to draw us back to its life-giving energies which can be felt so palpably on these occasions. As we stand together on Her sacred Earth, we relate anew to our Mother and to the beauty and intelligent life which surrounds us. For She is a living being! She cares for our every breath. She never fails to provide for new growth in season. She continually encourages and urges us to awaken and play our unique and valuable part in protecting our heritage as Her Children. Indeed, this same message was reiterated in a powerful, yet utterly peaceful Oracle from Erui, the Sovereign Goddess of Ireland, Guardian of our Land. All in all, it was a wonderful time together, with poetry, song, a gentle deep journey, joint remembrance of those who have passed this year, sending love to those grieving their loss - all coming together in an utterly lovely Mystery Play on the journey from the Deep Lands of the Otherworld of the Mabon, the Child of Light. Guided by the Modron (Mother) He moves unseen to us through despair, death and forgetfulness. Bringing Wisdom, Love, and Light. Blessings on all at this sacred time!
Minette Quick & Cait Branigan The Inner Sun, © Olivia Robertson Return to Castle Events (Many thanks to Minette & Cait for this report!) All Rights Reserved. |