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Summer Solstice Festival Report
Foundation Centre - Ireland
June 22, 2024
By: Noeleen Watson

Today marked our day for celebrating the Summer Solstice. The drive towards the castle saw blue skies with a few grey clouds. Sitting in the courtyard of Huntington Castle waiting for others to arrive, the sun certainly was out in her glory, you could have been anywhere in the world.

There were plenty of new faces; you could see the excitement and the nerves as it was their first time taking part in our ceremony. It certainly brings you back to your first time being there. Always good to see all the smiling faces and, of course, to receive the warm hugs.

As we all waited patiently for our priestess to guide us on our journey today, the conversations between everyone were electrifying. Good company and great chats, it's food for our soul. Cait came and greeted everyone with her friendly smile, she gave a little talk about the summer Solstice and welcomed all that had come to walk with us.

As we walked towards the Rose Garden, the fragrance of the summer flowers greeted us with every step. We formed a circle among the roses, here we were led to face the morning sun and give thanks as it shone down on us. There was a beautiful blessing from one of the priests.

We made our way down through the gardens towards the Grove of trees that represents the Druid Clan of Danu. The ground was dry to walk on considering all the rain from the day before and there was the sound of crunching leaves beneath our feet on the dry fallen branches. Here we formed a circle under the canopy of the trees. Cait mentioned when the trees where planted and how the roots go so deep down into the earth. There was a pause for everyone to connect to a tree and Just Be . We really are all so connected, we are one with every little thing on the planet.

We gave great thanks and moved towards the Abbey. The sun beamed down while a gentle breeze just hovered as we walked in silence. Cait sang beautiful songs that the wind carried around as we walked.

Wow the Abbey is breath-taking beautiful at the moment, with gorgeous roses in full blossom, how blessed we are to be able to appreciate such beauty. The smell of the roses were intoxicating. The Abbey held a special place in Olivia Robertson's heart. The message here was how important it is for us to do our bit in regard to the environment.

We made our way to the temple, where there was a powerful invocation to the Goddess Persephone, a knock on the door and we were led into the temple. Cait read an oracle about the Goddess Grainne by Olivia. Every one received a blessing from the priestesses while Tom sang songs to aid us in our contemplation. There was a priestess waiting to give an oracle: Goddess Áine spoke through the priestess in a gentle voice. Call in the strength from the sun, bring it into your heart. The importance of coming together as one. There is no separation.

Afterwards when we had listened to beautiful music, we went on a journey to meet our warrior, it was a powerful journey about how important it is to be in our truth.

There was great fun when two willing guests were asked to take part in a mystery play. We had the Goddess Áine and one of her two husbands, Echdar. There was great wisdom shared about love, abundance and play. The importance of play in our lives.

A few lines from Noeleen’s poem ....
'May you always have light
May you always have strength
May you always have warmth
May you always find inspirations'

Our ceremony was brought to close by thanking all the Gods and Goddesses that were invoked during the ceremony. A final blessing was given and everyone left with love in their hearts and ready for tea and cake.

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

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(Gratitude to Noeleen for her report and photos!)

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