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FOI Summer Solstice Letter 2023
From: Cressida Pryor

Cressida Pryor

Dear Friends,

The fullness of light and the sun’s presence is soon to reach its peak...the need to harness hope and focus has never been more important now as the planet warms and we are on a crucial tipping point to climate catastrophe.

I recently came across this beautiful prayer written by Mirabai Starr who says what I feel I need say now in this letter:

"Beloved One
Feminine Presence
Please come flowing into every open window in our souls right now,
as we call to you.
Infuse every cell of our bodies with your fierce and tender Mother-Wisdom.
Give us the strength to speak truth to power in these fractured times.
Give us the tenderness and humility to listen deeply
to those that we are conditioned to otherize.
And remind us again and again when we forget that we belong to each other,
and we belong to you.

By using her words I hope I am acknowledging the need we have now to reach out to each other…to know that ‘the other’ is our brother, lover, sister and friend…maybe not yet born or on the other side of the world…we are yet of each other.

Let us use this precious time of full energy to our community’s benefit…our community of village, town, region and continent.

We belong to each other and we belong to you, Divine Mother.

Amen and Blessed Be,
Cressida, FOI Steward.

FOI Letters & Correspondence

(Our ongoing thanks to Cressida for her seasonal letters.)

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