Letter from Cressida Pryor
June 19, 2018

FOI Summer Solstice letter 2018
Dear Friends,
Often it feels a struggle in the UK to acknowledge the fullness of light and being; the long day length that we celebrate at this time...amidst grey drizzle it takes effort to remain chirpy...this year has felt different. Most of these British Isles have surprised naysayers and basked in plentiful sunshine. In fact, I feel we have now rather taken it for granted as do those who live in California or Australia.
For me the period from Beltane to Solstice has been a time of contrasts...May Day morning for the last twenty years has consisted of an early rise, donning bells and Morris garb to greet the dawn, whatever the weather, with other stalwart dancing folk and noble musicians. Many May morning sunrises have been staggeringly beautiful, others less so...
This year was different. I stayed firmly in bed nursing a fierce chest infection and reluctantly taking antibiotics so I could breathe through what seemed like a muddy pond nestling unbidden in my lungs.
I am now, thank the Goddess, fully recovered but aware what a privilege it is to have easy access to reliable health care...indeed a dear friend, one of our Morris musicians on regular dialysis was playing for us last Monday; he had a notice that evening to get to hospital immediately. He is home now a week later with a new to him transplanted kidney. How amazing is that?! All on the NHS.
This is perhaps another aspect of acknowledging this fullness of being. Of course, for a kidney to be available in many cases someone else has to die...and another family faces the worst possible loss. Maybe there is a crumb of comfort, as I believe it was when my cousin and Olivia’s nephew died, to know that many people had their lives improved when his organs were donated. A supreme act of generosity and love; a fullness of being irradiating light that brings hope into our lives and communities.
Beloved Isis, may this light deepen in our lives at this time. May we too remain open to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul; be it a smile to the stranger or an out reaching hand of welcome.
With Solstice Blessings,
FOI Steward
FOI Letters & Correspondence
(Our gratitude to Cressida for sharing her letters with our members.)
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