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Spring Equinox Festival
Foundation Centre
March 21, 2015
By: Minette Quick

21st March, 2015

The weather during the week had been absolutely beautiful. The sun shone down on us all at the Castle as it so often has done over the years for Festivals – regardless it seemed of weather forecasts for the rest of the country at times! Indeed we often used to call them Olivia Days, and thanked the Goddess for arranging them so that she could enjoy the processions she so loved. The whole country had been ‘Eclipse watching’ it seemed the previous day, and all radio and television channels were programming in depth accounts both during and after it as well.

So we set off cheerfully for our customary visits to the Druid Grove and the Abbey, singing as we walked beside the beautiful spring beds of flowers along the way. A special treat was in store for us all to take part in, the planting of a young birch in memory of Olivia which we can visit every time we process in future. We each took the spade and added our blessings and some soil around its roots, together with some ash from sacred fires from all round the world to nourish it.

Gathering finally at the Well in the Temple, we were very happy to have Cressida with us to lead us in ceremony on this occasion. We received an Oracle from the Goddess Ceres who counseled each one of us to seek to discover our own truth within, rather than depending on others to find it. The theme of the sowing of the seed in the ground of our own consciousness was carried through the coming together of different offerings from the priesthood. These included poetry and song, and a powerful presentation of the balance of the intermingling energies at this time in our hemisphere. These were personified by the Sun and the Earth, and inspired by the Goddess Athena. We chanted together and then received a journey through our own bodies into the Earth.

It was a clear and peaceful occasion - a time of blessing on all - and there was an opportunity for us all, as a group, to ask for healing for those about whom we were concerned. Having given thanks, members of the priesthood offered healing to complete a beautiful ceremony. Many thanks to all who came along and contributed to the energy of this beautiful occasion.

Minette Quick

Castle Grounds
Castle Grounds, © Copyright Durdin-Robertson

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(Our ongoing thanks to Minette and everyone at the Foundation Center Temple.)

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