Letter from Cressida Pryor
March 20, 2024

FOI Letter Spring Equinox 2024
Dear Friends,
This Equinox is, of course, a welcome time of Spring growth, equanimity and balance...
As I listen to news of increasing war, horror and hardship in Sudan, Gaza and Ukraine it is hard not to be
humbled and hugely grateful for our levels of supply abundance and the respected rule of law we
experience here...it is so easy to complain of pot holes and litter and lose a proportionate response
given the wider and more extreme conditions elsewhere. This perhaps highlight’s this season’s message
of balance and growth.
I was reminded of this in an art class on Monday...while negotiating a rather rushed shift from one chair
to another, whilst holding a saucer of black, permanent Indian Ink...in my haste, the inevitable
happened...I lost my grip on the saucer and flicked the ink over the white emulsion wall. It landed with a
horrific cartoon like splatter, stark black against a snow white wall. My horror complete as this space
was a hired village hall.
There wasn’t time to shriek and bemoan my clumsy action...the wall was mopped and scrubbed
immediately and eventually it looked like the remaining grey shadow was from the water used rather
than the ink...time will tell...
What this taught me was the balance of probability that a rushed, perhaps careless move can lead to a
mishap. Last month I tripped whilst rushing, my scarred nose telling the tale and this time caused a
potentially unsightly mark on a publicly valued resource...
Mother God, hold us in your tender and compassionate gaze as we endeavour to traverse the challenges
this life presents to us...
May we know that when we reach out you are always there, often in ways we do not recognise.
May we remember our own path of growth and healing as we reach out, with your love, to those
around us...
Knowing our sometimes, seemingly small loving deed does contribute to the greater good and will begin
to balance the iniquities so evident in this world.
In Her loving arms, may peace and hope abound.
Cressida, FOI Steward