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Samhain Festival Report
Foundation Centre - Ireland
November 2, 2024
By: Noeleen Watson

Today we had a day full of light showers or, as some would describe it, a soft day. Umbrellas, hooded cloaks and raincoats were the main attire for our Samhain festival. A huge crowd gathered in the castle courtyard, one of the biggest I have seen. Cait welcomed everyone and led us on our procession to the Rose Garden to invoke the Rosa Mundi. As we made our way down the stony path we were accompanied by a flock of waddling ducks. When we arrived at the Rose Garden there were still a few roses to be seen, which is amazing. Tom, a priest in the Fellowship commented on the bubbling stream, which is often dry but was in full force as we stood in contemplation around the roses.

We then made our way down towards the grove of trees dedicated to the Druid Clan of Dana. On our walk you could still see the dazzling colours of Autumn, it was like a sea of yellows, oranges and reds: breath-taking to the eyes and certainly nourishment for our souls. We took time to connect to the trees and to the earth. You could hear the gentle pitter patter of raindrops over our heads, the ground had a multi-coloured carpet which was so soft to walk on.

Next, we headed toward the ancient abbey, a place that is dedicated to the Noble Order of Tara. Here, the Goddess Eriu was invoked. We spoke about our individual capacity to help the planet. Imagine if everyone was to pick up litter where they lived and if all the 'everyones' picked up something, it would certainly help our beautiful planet.

The rain was coming down a little heavier as we made our way towards the temple and the Goddess Persephone. While listening to one of the priestesses invoke the Goddess, I happened to look up and saw one of the many peacocks up on the top window of the castle pruning his feather. His stunning colour brightened a very dull and grey sky overhead. Nature always gives us colour to inspire us.

Three knocks were made on the door as we all entered the temple or the underworld. Different priestesses and our priest invoked their honoured deities. Cait opened a page from Olivia’s Oracle, and it happened to be 'The Oracle of the Goddess Brighid of Eire. Samhain.' We are on a spiral through life and our consciousness expands as we do. The Magi exist in all lands and in the cosmos and they are teaching us about transmuting our outer selves and bringing back humility.

Cait gave a little history about the Holy Brigid’s Well and how it is the oldest part of the castle, and the fact that the castle was built around the well. The priestesses with chalices in hand, gave beautiful blessings to all that would like a blessing. As time passed, one of the priestesses sang a very beautiful chant, as she sang it echoed all around the temple.

We made our way around to the grand altar, where a priestess was in waiting to share an oracle, the Goddess Quan Yin came though to share her message with us today, it was so powerful to sit and listen. She told us we are everything and no thing, we are the divine and we are not. We are the cosmos, and we are here. There was so much said it was hard to take it all in. It was such a profound experience for the priestess delivering the oracle and for all of us listening.

There were poems shared and a reading called a Hymn to Hekate shared. Cait invited us all to say out loud or inside our hearts our ancestors’ names, that we wished to remember. I loved this part of our ceremony as I felt the temple was so full of our loved ones that have passed on. When you looked at the altar, one of the tall candles had gone out while the other candle’s flame grew so tall, and the flame looked as though it was dancing. The candles represented the light and dark of this time of the year.

Tom brought us all on a journey, which was powerful, and we met the Washer Woman. Here she asked us to build a cairn to bury something that we need to let go, as we placed each stone, we let something else go. Really an amazing journey.

As the ceremony reached its ending, all of the Deities were thanked for all their assistance and the date for the Winter Solstice was given. Before we all left, we all held hands to feel the deep connection within our community and to reassure everyone that was present that we are not alone, and we are all part of a community. There is no better feeling to feel that you are part of a community, and you are seen and heard.

As you can read it was a truly beautiful ceremony among amazing people.

Our next ceremony is Saturday 21st December 2024 at 11am. (Winter Solstice)
(Festivals are accessible by invitation only - to request one, please see this page: Events)

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

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(Gratitude to Noeleen for her report and photos!)

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