Letter from Cressida Pryor
October 29, 2019

Samhain 2019
Dear Friends,
The wheel of the year turns and Samhain is nearly with us...I have just lit the sitting room fire for the second time this autumn and there was frost on the fields this morning.
Communal gatherings at these times are echoes of long celebrated feasts connecting us like pearls on a string through aeons to eternal truths we so easily forget.
Another reminder of these connections are those experiences of synchronicity that relate the individual to the wider totality we glimpse at this special time perhaps through a thinner veil.
I have recently had a synchronous experience that spanned generations...when I was twenty my father commissioned an established artist to draw me, this was in the mid seventies and I have his two pen and ink pictures on the wall to remind me of those years. I didn’t meet the artist again and he sadly died in 2007 just two years after my father’s death. Last week my daughter told me her workplace had commissioned an artist to do drawings of a project she was involved in...he had arrived and had already drawn her whilst she worked. She had not met him before. His last name tallied with ‘my’ artist’s but as it was a common name I mused: ‘wouldn’t it be strange if he is the son of the fellow who had drawn me all those years ago...?!’
He is.
Forty five years later three generations are still being drawn...drawn together in a web of connection, a balanced equation that reveals to us, through intuitive knowledge that our lives are interwoven in mysterious ways. I find this a hopeful reminder too that death is not final...there is more than we could ever know and the central core of this is a divine love that binds us all in beauty and truth.
This is a time to remember and honour those that have gone before and live our lives responsibly so we can hold our heads up to welcome those who are yet to come. They deserve this as does our beautiful planet.
In her love and peace,
Cressida, FOI Steward