Letter from Cressida Pryor
October 30, 2017

Samhain 2017 Letter
Dear Friends,
Recently when visiting friends of friends I had the sobering privilege when turning into the front room of seeing a child’s floppy form lying on the sofa being fed through a naso-gastric tube...the everyday atmosphere of the others gathered there made this feel entirely normal as echoed in the surrounding household clutter and piles of stuff...yet there was a strange peace. When one of the parents left the room I heard the quiet yet sombre explanation of ‘degenerative’ and ‘life-limiting’ in response to my confused look. The latter are words now used in these types of conditions and are certainly better than the heavy toll of ‘terminal’ and ‘incurable’.
However a day later while reflecting on the experience of being with this family, I felt anything but ‘life-limited’ in their presence, in fact the total opposite. Life and its soul-mate Love diffused the room with an abundance that was palpably life enhancing. Any sound or smile made by the child was greeted reciprocally with total presence; a reassuring adult’s hand resting on his outstretched leg. The grim and devastating reality was held there but felt out-weighed by the co-existence of love’s ‘being-ness’.
I am reminded of the infinite holiness of the simplest of things.
This is for me especially significant at this time of Samhain when we acknowledge death and allow our thoughts, prayers and memories to turn to those who have already travelled through that portal. I feel an important part of any funeral service is to allow the beginning of a shift in our relationship to the deceased. The relationship hasn’t ended but it is different. Since Olivia’s death four years ago in November I am sure many in the fellowship still have had ‘what would Olivia have said or done?’ thoughts and conversations in their minds, memories of her and her brother Derry too. This together with gratitude for all they created and brought forth in the FOI.
We all return to the earth eventually but the essence of the eternal Love that we live is ongoing; I felt and knew it again on that recent family visit. There are times when we can feel disconnected or separated and this is where community, fellowship and meditative practice can help. It is in the silent spaces, in the shared laughter and in the tears that the presence of this divine relationship can flow to enhance our lives and bring solace come the ultimate parting of death.
Divine Mother, comfort and strengthen the weary
Bring warmth and love to the lonely
Nourishment to the hungry of body and spirit
And protect our souls in your eternal embrace. So may it be and amen.
With Samhain blessings,
FOI Steward
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