Letter from Cressida Pryor
April 5, 2017

Dear Friends,
It is now a week until we mark and celebrate what would have been Olivia’s 100th Birthday...we are suggesting at 6 pm GMT on April 13th that we all light a candle in her memory where ever you are and give thanks for her life, her teachings and her vision that brought so much to so many people.
She wrote a letter (see below) from Waterford hospital just after she broke her ankle in June 2013 entitled ‘Sacred Places’. This describes the vision she and Derry had for the Fellowship as far back as 1948; three decades before it was officially formed. May the message of this letter accompany our collective journey to honour her life; please enjoy its inspiring words and envisage the healing flowing from Clonegal that the land, Ireland and the world needs so much of now.
Cressida Pryor, FOI Steward
April 5, 2017
Fellowship of Isis
Letter from Olivia Robertson
June 20, 2013
Sacred Places
All Ancient Faiths had deep roots in some earthly home, which meant the mother to them. We think of Jerusalem, Mecca, Glastonbury, The Great Pyramid, and above all the Sphinx.
I, Olivia, was told from Spirit, in 1948, that my brother and I were to work for a Centre of Light at Clonegal. Clonegal is a mile from the meeting of the waters, where the castle is built, and where the river of healing, the Slaney, is joined by the river of the Oak, the River Derry. Where they join, there is an island of swans.
In a vision, I was shown by angelic beings, a view of the castle from the sky. Light poured from the castle, and, I gathered the source of the light was from the well of Truth, St. Brigid's Holy Well.
For some years, my brother worked on energy coming from the granite from which the castle is built. Some underground source of psychic power, and also the white and silver power, like water, descending from the sky into the well. My brother was told from Spirit, that the well was for the healing of Ireland, and that the rainbow colours emanating from the dark, black earth energy from underneath the dungeon, was for the world. We were told to welcome people from all over the world, for healing, blessing, and psychic vision.
At this time of the new aeon, 2013, I feel we are to activate this sacred place of Dana, Tara, and Brigid, Daneann goddesses of Ireland. All three have come to me in visions along with the Archangel Michael and the God Aengus Og.
On the grounds, at an angle to the Castle, is the old abbey ruin, with a magnificent stone altar. These act as priory of the Noble Order of Tara. We have performed there ceremonies regularly. The grove of trees in the wilderness near the lake and the island which is the cauldron of the god Dagda, and river Derry of the goddess Morrigan. This is the grove of the Druid Clan of Dana, where ceremonies have been held for many years.
The rainbow circle of Brigid have the honour of giving forth the well water to those in need. Each cup represents the holy grail of the new aeon. All members spread Brigid’s rainbow rays throughout the world for healing, sent forth with wisdom and love. Any solitary member can enjoy the healing and vision from the well and from the rainbow rays of Brigid: Love, Beauty and Truth.
Olivia Robertson,
assisted by Marian Smiles and Minette Quick,
of the Rainbow Circle of Brigid.

Brigid's Well, photo © Minette Quick
Link to Olivia's 2013 Letter
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