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Letter from Cressida Pryor
August 1, 2019

Cressida Pryor

2019 Lughnasadh Letter

Dear Friends,

Welcome to this time to give thanks and honour the first harvest of grain...

A few days ago a friend asked if I would be prepared to host, for a month, the flame of Brigid she has homed for many years...I felt honoured to be asked and agreed. It is in an enclosed lantern and the candles need to be replaced every seven days. I was a little nervous in terms of leaving it alight constantly and the resultant fire risk but was reassured that as it was totally enclosed it was safe. I have it now within my view, a couple of yards away in the fireplace.

It greets me in the morning and is there last thing at night; a reassuring glow of constancy that I would recommend now to everyone.

I share with you Doreen Virtue’s prayer to Brigid:

“Great Brigid, I know you hear me the moment I think of you. I ask for your presence and assistance. Please lend me your courage and power that I may rise to the level of my highest capabilities. Please warm my heart and mind with your brightness and burn away any thoughts, feelings or behaviours that stand in the way of my Divine potential. Help me to have the courage to be my very best and to lose all fear of being powerful”.

We too at this time of environmental emergency are all called to be and act to our highest abilities. The assurance through divine faith of infinite possibilities keeps the light of hope alight. Perhaps when our own individual flame gutters in the storms of our personal circumstances we can call upon the support of friends and fellowship to host and relight the hope and peace we have lost sight of.

Blessed Brigid, through our fellowship may we open our hearts
and receive all that is; a shining flame of communion with all things,
as we come to know ourselves Spirit formed
From the womb of your eternal being.

With blessings,
Cressida, FOI Steward.

Dedication Notice
Dedication to Brigid by Olivia Robertson, Well Chapel.
© photo by Minette Quick

FOI Letters & Correspondence

(Ongoing thanks to Cressida for sharing her seasonal thoughts with our members!)

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