Letter from Cressida Pryor
July 31, 2018

Lammas Letter 2018
Dear Friends,
At this time of first harvest and thanks giving it feels appropriate to begin sketching out the more recent developments at Foundation Centre.
There were inevitable struggles following the chasm left by our charismatic founders and we entered a challenging phase of transition after Olivia’s passing in November 2013...the shift of gear from the founder’s more pyramidal structure to its current maturation into an autonomous flatter structure necessitated a need for greater clarity of form and governance.
These changes drove the development of a workable code of ethics, safeguarding procedures, a training over view and a basic registration of general and ordained members. These demanding tasks have all been navigated and undertaken through the hard work and dedication of the members of the Circle of Brigid. Structures have been set up that allow these ongoing needs to be addressed and revised when needed.
All the membership owes an enormous debt of gratitude to the Circle of Brigid. Their work in forging greater clarity and containment allows us to celebrate festivals and share our love of the Goddess together in ways that are safe and clear in relation to these issues. So we do truly celebrate a worthwhile and nourishing harvest that will reap ongoing rewards within our fellowship.
The five year transition period following Olivia’s death is nearing its completion now and the Circle of Brigid is widening its doors to the local priesthood and becoming a gathering of support and inspiration rather than regulation and oversight. So this new group is replacing the Circle of Brigid and will be known as the Rainbow Circle (of Priesthood) and is something Olivia spoke about in the past. The Rainbow Circle will look after Foundation Centre Festivals and Temple care.
It is proposed that the Rainbow Circle will hold regular gatherings to update information, to have discussions and to foster a sense of engagement and inclusion.
These developments are very exciting and I hope will support the needs of the fellowship as we live the path of the Goddess as she leads us to greater compassion and humanity to all. May I share now the image of divine containment and development through this amended potter’s prayer:
Divine Isis of a thousand names and none
Centre me,
Hold me in the still point
Form me gently with a firm and tender grip
Fire me with your divine holy spirit
Glaze me with your glory.
I am an empty vessel
Fill me with your love and wonder,
Wisdom and trust; that I may be a fragment of you.
Divine One, use me.
Let me crack and chip in your service
Completed by your brokenness
I am most wonderfully made.
With blessings of Lughnasadh,
FOI Steward
FOI Letters & Correspondence
(Our gratitude to Cressida for sharing her letters with our members.)
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