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Imbolc Festival
Foundation Centre - Ireland
February 1st, 2025
By: Noeleen Watson

Today we gathered to celebrate Imbolc as well as Brigid. We were blessed that our festival gathering fell on Brigid's Day. The skies overhead were grey and there was certainly a nip in the air. Winter still had her grip on the land. The rain held off for our ceremony and everyone was wrapped up nice and cosy. Again, a huge crowd gathered in the courtyard of Huntington Castle. There were plenty of new faces and some returning familiar faces. It warms the heart to see all the different connections within our community. We waited patiently before making our way towards the Rose Garden; as we made our way over the castle's pet dog said hello to us all. The Rosa Mundi was invoked here, and Cait brought our attention to the new buds on the many rose trees. New life is always a breath away and gives up hope for new cycle of the year. As we stood there, we took a minute or two in quiet to listen to the many sounds that surrounded us all, from the noise of hammering; to the birds singing; to the rustle of the leaves and the chatter of voices in the background.

While moving in solemn procession through the line of yew trees, I noticed some of those that were damaged by the recent storm Eowyn. It was sad to see the damage to some of the trees. There were lots of branches all along the path. Walking down the path to the Sacred Grove, which is dedicated to The Druid Clan of Dana all I could see were an abundance of snowdrops. Even though we had grey skies and bare branches we had the simplicity of beautiful white clumps of snowdrops. Again, another little sign from nature to keep hope in our hearts.

As we made our way up to the Abbey, Noble Order of Tara, the wind chill certainly dropped another degree or two. Once everyone gathered, Deirdre, one of Priestesses, invoked Eriu and invited us all to hold a minute silence and to send out peace to Ireland and the world. A visiting member from Florida read out a poem that certainly touched my heart and I am sure everyone else's heart. It was written by a Palestinian man who died the next day after writing it.

Now it was time to follow the path towards the temple, here a Priestess invoked the Goddess Persephone. We all made our way into the temple and gathered around Brigid's Sacred Well. Cait shared a little history about the well and the castle to the new people. She also read out a beautiful message from Minette. Cait read from the Oracles of the Goddess by Olivia Robertson; it was the Goddess Ceridwen of Wales. The oracle spoke of the Cauldron of Creation and within this cauldron are three drops of inspiration, originality and imagination. These are so important for life and without them our thoughts become stale. Each of us received a beautiful blessing. There was a Priestess waiting to give an oracle and we all took our seats in silence. The Priestess channelled the Goddess Eris, she spoke about the chaos in the world today and how to bring the balance of peace too. The Goddess Eris is also known by many other names like Isis, Brigid, and asked us to listen to the name we connect with. Tom, our Priest of the Fellowship of Isis, played a beautiful tune to allow us to integrate the wisdom of today's channelled oracle. We were then led on a beautiful Journey by a fellow Priestess.

Cait spoke about our last ceremony and how it was so peaceful and quiet within in the temple and today we had many noises from the footsteps overhead. Now the universe was giving us a big sign that our ceremony was coming to an end. Deidre shared stories and folklore about Brigid the Goddess and the Saint. She told us the story of empowerment and inner power when Brigid went to see the High King of Leinster. She wanted land for a monastery, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. The High King said lay your cloak down and where it covers I will give you the land. Brigid and her sister each took a corner, and she asked them to run in each direction holding the cloak and by magic the cloak multiplied in all directions. Deirdre had a fabulous Brigid's mask made by her daughter Saoirse Wadding-Hayes.

As Deirdre shared the story, a Brigid healing blanket was passed around for everyone to touch. Cait thanked me for bringing the blanket today. The ceremony ended in peace, harmony and love. We all held hands as a community looking at each other. One of the things spoken today that I took home with me was in community we are heart to heart, eye to eye and hand to hand. That's what it's all about, seeing each other with eyes of love.

The date of our next ceremony: Spring Equinox March 15th, 2025
(Festivals are accessible by invitation only - to request one, please see this page: Events)

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

© photo Noeleen Watson

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(Gratitude to Noeleen for her report and photos!)

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