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2018 ImbolcFOUNDATION CENTRE - IRELAND February 10, 2018 At this special time of Brigid, we were delighted to have Cressida Pryor, the Fellowship Foundation Centre Steward with us again, warmly welcoming us all to the first Festival of 2018. Brigid is, of course, loved and revered in Ireland and far beyond, as both Goddess and Saint, and it is good to recall the special request of our Co-Founder, Olivia Robertson, that we maintain and renew the vital link of the wider Fellowship to the sacred energy within the grounds as we process them, and continue to Invoke the Deities and their homes here, which inspired the Foundation of the Fellowship and its Daughter Societies. Thus we renew and anchor our deep devotion in the present to the Earth, Great Mother of All. Then through ceremony within the Temple we learn and assimilate the deep truths of the teachings beloved of so many cultures throughout the ages. At this time of year, the magic of the awakening earth was all about us within the immaculately cared for grounds, despite a series of harsh winter storms. Snowdrops and little clumps of white and gold crocus peeped up from the grass beneath the trees in the orchard. At the Rose Garden we invoked Rosa Mundi with a gentle reminder of the contribution each one of us makes to the flowering of the Soul of the World, by loving and learning to care not only for each other but also for ourselves. Indeed, this message was at the heart of so much of what followed. For me the eager tips of a multitude of bulbs in the borders, bursting to come forth from their mother to proclaim their glory, said it all! Onward to the majesty of the Grove, and the forecast rain had turned into a lovely bright day by the time we had Invoked and been blessed by the Goddess Dana, standing in contemplation amongst the trunks of the mighty trees. At the Abbey, Priory of the Noble Order of Tara - powerfully dedicated to the protection of the environment - the Goddess Erui, Tara and Maeve were Invoked in support of the work of its members. So by the time we entered the Temple there was a great sense of spaciousness in support of the familiar order as our ceremonies unfolded. At the open Well of Brigid, Her words arose fresh and vibrant as the day they first came to Olivia, and our Steward joined with us in Invocation and all were blessed with water from the Well. Moving to the High Altar, alight with candles and shafts of early spring sunlight from the windows nearby, the Goddess Inanna awaited to encourage us, through Her priestess, to turn our hearts and minds towards the coming warmth of the Sun, accepting the necessity for darkness as well as light, and death as in truth the giver of new life. Her touching words gave pause for reflection, first to the gentle sounds of the harp, and then space to welcome again our Steward's brief but telling words and song, on coping with this still very chilly month, yet sharing our crumbs of comfort and wisdom as widely as possible. A gentle inner journey led us into our Mystery Play on the delightful story of how Brigid is said not only to have persuaded a resistant King to grant lands for her Church, but also converted his soul - for having asked only for as much as her cloak might cover... it miraculously expanded to cover the vast plains and rich pastures of the Curragh in Kildare!
"May the spark She ignites
Over and under and over and round Somehow time had extended like Brigid's cloak allowing us to draw to a gentle close, having joined in a peaceful group healing for all in need. We then gave heartfelt thanks to Deity for their presence and support, notices were given and all was complete and restored before repairing for tea in the village.
Minette Quick ![]() The Well of Brigid © M. Quick ![]() Return to Castle Events ![]() (Many thanks to Minette for her reports!) All Rights Reserved. |