Letter from Cressida Pryor
January 28, 2025

FOI Imbolc Letter 2025
Dear Friends,
I am sure I am not alone when I say: ‘I feel battered and confused...’
Battered by yet another storm that has brought winds, rain downpours and power outages...one storm seems to rattle the window panes and move garden furniture with the ease of a forklift, and before we have caught our breath another one barrels in.
And confused by the ease we create different camps that condemn the ‘other’...I do this too as more trumped up stories fly across the Gulf of Galway (the Atlantic) and it feels that life can’t get any more
farcical and dangerous.
And then a snow drop pushes its delicate head through the earth; such a small and beautifully formed flower, I am humbled by the miracle of nature’s persistent glory.
And through this I’m reminded to breathe...to stop, find shelter from the wind and rain and count my blessings. And may I also find the strength to speak truth to power as Bishop Budde did to the assembled congregation last week, reminding us that religion can’t be separated from politics...
Beloved Brigit, wise woman and sage, be with us in the growth of new light as we face the year ahead. May we find hope as our world faces it’s challenges and energy for the tasks that require resolve,
creativity and collaboration...
May we all find the questions that help us move towards a sustainable future.
May we be prepared to be vulnerable, find strength to put aside our fears and work and speak out for the common good...
In Her name, so may it be, amen.
With the blessings of Imbolc, the Chinese New Year and Candlemass,
FOI Steward