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Letter from Cressida Pryor
February 1, 2024

Cressida Pryor

FOI Imbolc Letter 2024

Dear FOI Friends,

We’re at that time in the year when I begin to notice the slowly lengthening days...it’s just that bit lighter now in the late afternoons which feels a celebratory gain...

Last Friday I had just bought some tea-lights from the local hardware shop and crossed over the road to find my car...in the rush, my right foot caught the curb stone and despite an attempt to stop the fall I crashed onto the pavement with my nose crunching decisively into the tarmac. The tea lights slewed ahead of me together with my dignity and pride...one car drove past but the next one stopped and I heard a door slam as a man came over to help me sit rather than sprawl...

This kind fellow looked at my face and injuries and persuaded me to go to our minor injuries unit...which I did. I entered with my face dripping with blood and was soon cleaned up, my nose wound stuck together with super glue and the prospect of two black eyes...

All this reminds me of the kindness there is in the core of most folk...it may take another’s fall to prompt assisting a stranger, the going out of your way to be with someone when they are at their most vulnerable...but what a blessing this is. And this perhaps mirrors this time of Imbolc and Candlemass, when the inner quiet of our hunkering down into winter reserves is beginning to be broken open by the growing day light...and we are more able to reach out, to trust the light will be there again to support recovery, fresh insights and new growth.

Beloved Brigit, wise woman and sage, be with us in the growth of new light as we face the year ahead.
May we find hope as the world presents huge challenges and energy for the tasks that require resolve, creativity and collaboration...
May we be prepared to be vulnerable, to put aside pride and work for the common good...
In Her name, so may it be, amen.

Cressida, FOI Steward

FOI Letters & Correspondence

(Our ongoing thanks to Cressida for her seasonal letters.)

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