Letter from Cressida Pryor
April 30, 2024

FOI Letter Beltane 2024
Dear FOI Friends,
The energies are rising and the trees, most anyway, are greening up...
The Earth is alive with Spirit...and I was reminded of this yesterday.
Last year we put up a new swift box to encourage these amazing migrants to nest ‘chez nous’...I’ve just noticed some canny neighbours have put a sponge in the entrance space to discourage local sparrows and other native over wintering feathered friends nesting up before our over sea guests arrive...this I didn’t do, partly because I hadn’t thought of doing it and also it would require extensive ladders...
So we now have a brood of healthy sparrows chirruping away from their new plush villa!...I find their cheerful presence a great comfort on a rainy morning. To support them, a few feet below I’ve put a window feeding station, a small suctioned box...and place in it various fat seed cakes and other enticements.
Recently I’ve noticed the box has been knocked off true and presumed the sparrow’s collective weight has done this.
Yesterday I straightened the feeder and placed an inch square suet seed block inside.
Stepping back to admire my efforts, immediately a large black shape darkened the window; huge claws outstretched, a black beak grabbed the new offering and what I soon registered as a crow did a beautiful backwards flip, worthy of a spitfire in battle, and swooped away with its booty to the field opposite.
I was totally awed by the power, audacity and skill of this amazing creature...and was reminded that not only the Earth is alive with Spirit...the air is too, the waters and the fire of our hearts...
Divine Mother, hold us in our evolving fullness
so we may retain wonder and reverence for the beauty of the everyday.
As energies rise may we use our open hearts to reach out to those in need
and find our solace in the warmth of friendship and connection,
In eternal Love, so may it be. Amen.
With Beltane Blessings,
Cressida, FOI Steward