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Letter from Cressida Pryor
April 28, 2018

Cressida Pryor

Beltane Letter 2018

Dear Friends,

The energies are rising! This can be felt in so many ways.

The ‘Isian News-Isian Voices’ page on our website will be opening this month with some inspirational writing and insights. I urge you all to visit the homepage and explore what is there.

There is space there too for what inspires you; what picks you up when spirits flag, what surprises beckon you from around the corner...

The FOI belongs to us all...this is a forum for you to contribute to its unfurling and growth.

I recently went to an art exhibition of a German artist, Katte Kollwitz. Since I saw her work I have been wondering why I found it so compelling. It has only been whilst thinking about Beltane and the coming together of different yet complementary energies that I can understand better what attracts me to her work. She didn’t shirk from difficult and sadly still all too common themes...painful loss, human conflict through war and women’s marginalisation and yet her delicacy of touch, the technical skill and the simplicity of her lines and composition lend a tenderness and truth to this conjunction. The incongruous meeting of this beauty with difficult and essentially unpalatable experience perhaps is all the more possible within the transformational cauldron of Beltane energies and produces much that inspires and nourishes.

Blessed friends let your soul sing and dance within this eternal presence
Seek rest within the sacred shelter of Isis’s wings
And draw nourishment from the energy of our fellowship.

Blessed Be,
FOI Steward

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