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This Fellowship of Isis website has been authorized by the FOI Foundation Center: Clonegal Castle, Enniscorthy, Eire


Many thanks to these centers for sharing their translations with our members!

Iseum/Lyceum Campense

Il Lyceum Campense nacque come Iseum Campense nel 2003 con la finalità che il culto della Grande Dea Iside tornasse a Roma. È sito in una torre medievale nel centro di Roma ed ospita un grande larario dedicato alla Dea. website

The Lyceum Campense originated as Iseum Campense in 2003 with the aim that the cult of the Great Goddess Isis return to Rome. It is located in a medieval tower in the center of Rome and has a large lararium (domestic shrine) dedicated to the Goddess.

Iseum Gli Antichi Misteri Femminili

Iseum Gli Antichi Misteri Femminili, certified in 2021 in Monteviale (Vicenza, Italy). Through studies about the Goddess and a practical shamanic path, regularly offers seasonal celebrations, rites of passage, travels and womens’ gatherings (also online) to put people in contact with natural cycles, and thus manifest the Goddess in the world. website

L’Iseum Il Loto e la Rosa

L’Iseum Il Loto e la Rosa è dedicato alle dee Iside e Inanna. Con sede a Bologna, si occupa di studio e divulgazione per promuovere il risveglio della Grande Madre nel mondo. website

The Iseum Il Loto e la Rosa is dedicated to the goddesses Isis and Inanna. Based in Bologna, it deals with study and dissemination to promote the awakening of the Great Mother in the world.

L’Iseum “La Rosa Mystica”

L’Iseum “La Rosa Mystica” è situato a Vicenza e promuove il culto della Dea, propone studi e ricerche culturali nonchè rituali devozionali e celebrativi.

The Iseum “The Mystic Rose” is located in Vicenza and promotes the cult of the Goddess, proposes cultural studies and research as well as devotional and celebratory rituals.

FOI in Italiano

Copyright nota bene: Individual translators retain ownership of their work, but not the copyright of the material itself, nor a permission to publish. Translated materials are only to be shared publicly on this website (the FOI Homepage), unless additional permissions are received from the copyright owners.

Copyright Note: The FOI Liturgy on this website is copyright protected. Copying the Liturgy text or pages to another website or publication, is prohibited. Printing of individual rites by FOI members for their personal and group ritual use is encouraged and allowed.

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